Life in Hetalia

Jul 13, 2009 01:17

Personally, I find this so freaking hilarious.

How can I have a crush on France, but I hate him and I'm scared of him?? But yayz!! I married Feliciano (even if he didn't graduate high school)!! Awww...Let this be true! Death by raep by France?? Does it really count as raep if you're willing?! Wasn't the one night stand enough?!

And Lovino tries to one-up his brother I'm sorry Feli! I thought Lovino was you!! Denmark you snitch!!

I get a confession from PRUSSIA!! My life is complete!! Kissed him and he liked it!! Why can't this be true?!

I'm sorry Japan. But I must have the anime busniess!! Free manga!

I didn't know there was a country named Hungry. But I think she got mad I moved in with her cause she was happy I died... O.O;

Finland!! I didn't know you felt about me this way! Even if I used to date Sweden!

Belarus+me= cat fight!!

RussiaxPoland... A new fan pairing has been born

Sealand killed me? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Was it because I liked Latvia??

hetalia, life, love

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