
Nov 07, 2012 21:19

I just noticed I never posted this.

1. Still half convinced Henry's father Neal is Baelfire, but I can't figure out whether it makes sense. Neal showed no signs of knowing what August was talking about, although he was kind of cagey about the concept of magic and he did believe August pretty quickly. On the plus side, we now know that August sent him the postcard (at some point, somehow), which was cool. I'd like to know how he got from grungy thief to hipstery subway man. And I would like to know what August showed Neal that convinced him of the truth. Is that just an enchanted box that shows everyone exactly what they need/want to see to be convinced by August? ...that just made way too much sense. Also, Emma is going to be so pissed if/when she ever finds out what exactly August has been doing to her life. Hell, I bet he took Henry to Storybrooke to be adopted by Regina. Lying little scamp! Of course, all this could mean that Neal is not Bae, and August still knows Bae. I figure August is a. aware that Emma has to be 28 when she goes to Storybrooke to break the curse, and b. afraid of facing her and/or owning up to having ditched her, or maybe he's just doing the bare minimum and thought it was fine until she actually hit Storybrooke and he started turning back into wood. Eh, let's just call it both.

2. Aurora and Henry, I believe, aren't just having the same dream-they are sharing the same dream and seeing each other in it. Which is super interesting and gives Aurora more purpose, although I found her more interesting than usual tonight.

3. Hook is blah. He said “bad form” which was cool, but I was not at all okay with the rampant flirting. I'm glad Emma was not into it, and I hope Hook was just trying to manipulate her because otherwise GAG.

4. I can't decide whether I think August is working some sort of long manipulation under the instruction of someone else, or if these really are just more of his half-baked awful plans. PLAN A: Leave Emma in foster care, I'm sure she'll be fine! PLAN B: Get Emma's thief boyfriend to dump her spectacularly so that she ends up in prison and learns the error of her ways and is ready to go curse-breaking in ten years! BEST PLAN EVER. Also, I will thoughtfully take the money that her boyfriend tried to send to her. What. It was money from stolen property! She doesn't need that. She needs to make an honest start. So I will take it... to protect her from it. Yes. PLAN C: Steal book, take Emma to magic well, return book. BEST PLAN EVER. PLAN D: Pretend to be Rumple's son and then control him with his dagger. BEST PLAN EVER.

5. I saw on the internet a word used to describe Hook that I feel perfectly sums up my problem with him: he is naughty. That's not Hook. Bad form, show.

6. Not the best episode, but I like what it gave me to chew on. Hook needs to be revealed as insincere and trying (and failing) to play them, stat, because this wuss loser Hook who keeps flirting with Emma and just generally sucking... well, he sucks. The CGI on the giant was awful, but I was basically just uninterested in that entire half of the plot. Although, as I said before, Aurora was good, and Snow was good, oh and Mulan was good too. I just didn't like the Hook flirting with Emma portion of the show. I appreciate that they went for grey areas with the giant's story. I am, in case it wasn't obvious, extremely interested in all the backstory bits. I can't even figure out whether I like what was going on or not yet! I am too busy trying to figure out all the other things!

7. So, I figure there are basically three options with Neal: one, he is Bae, he was keeping it quiet for whatever reason to start with, but at some point that wasn't in those flashbacks, he's like “yeah I know, my dad's Rumplestilskin, if there's a curse and magic here he's probably involved, here's everything you need to know to get to him.” It's entirely possible Neal is Bae and isn't saying anything because he doesn't realize that August was from the same world-it's not like August was generous with the details-or maybe he doesn't actually remember or some other reason. Two, he is not Bae but he is still from another world, possibly FTL. That seems... less likely, because as we've been shown thus far, it's difficult and rare to travel to this world because it doesn't have magic. Especially given that August still needs to have either met Bae or someone who knows all about Bae because he knew enough to trick Rumple into thinking he was Bae, and he knew about the dagger. Three, he is just a guy from this world. That seems the most likely right now, since he didn't show any particular signs of knowing what August was talking about, although he did believe August pretty quickly (but we don't know what was in the box that persuaded him). That does have the previous problem-August still has to know Bae, but it works better than Idea 2 because travel to this world stays just as rare as has been shown.

8. Anyway, I do still feel that a. Neal looks physically more similar to Bae than August ever did, and b. If one's real name was Baelfire and one was in a world where that was not a normal name, Neal would be a decent choice for an alias. Or maybe Bill.

9. Jennifer Morrison's acting was great, and young Emma was pretty adorable, but I'm sorry, show, she did NOT look 17/18. While I appreciate that they clearly want the characters to be consistant and the actors to get to play their characters for all the big moments, sometimes you just have to cast a different actor to play the younger version. Young Regina was acceptable because we don't know exactly how old she was supposed to be and the role is complex enough without needing to both match Lana Parilla and show character development, but this was very borderline.

Not as many thoughts, presumably because my brain has been taken over by Buffy thoughts. Shrug.

once upon a time

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