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Feb 19, 2021 11:59

Here is  my  improvisation, fantasy that based on some elements of  the Greeks Mythology. Don't take it seriously even if it is seems so.  I wanted to practice and to improve my English  writing, and a little provoke your feelings.

Ancient Greek gods were so unhappy. All the time they were used to be violence, cruel and tricky and even their power and perfection didn't help them, they still were not possible to go through the endless  life without suffer and tragedy. Zeus, the  most powerful Olympian god, he won the war with  Titans. Titans were the second generation gods and they were much  stronger then Olympian. But if you will read from the beginning, the main point of this war was just  complicated family story. Psychological inside conflict during several generations without optimal solution. The god of the sky Uranus (grandfather) had a fear, that his own child will take his power, so he imprisoned his children in deep within Earth, inside his wife body, Gaia, where they caused pain to her. One day  she decided to castrate her husband (it seems logical after all ). She asked the  children to help her with this difficult mission and then, the most brave son, his name was Kronos, just did it. It seems like  happy end story, but hahaha, this is never ending story! This is Samsara! But what the Greek gods knew about Samsara?! Did they new? When Kronos produced his own children he started to suffer from the same fear, and he like his father, used aggression to resolve such a delicate problem. He ate all his children ( it is interesting, that the result of aggression in both examples stored in the body) and then only Zeus survived and lately won his father in the war. Zeus also get this fear, somebody told him that he will loose his power and his son ....  So every  man in this family was  trapped by the same scenario. In this situation somebody will say- " the only way  to resolve this problem, to make a peace and to stop eating relatives!", and he is right, but we have here some small detail. The Greek gods only illustration. The Myth is only reflection of our nature in different variations of its development in social structure. Hierarchy, domination, it is part of our basic system, and we can't just deny its existence, to say it is not something we like, so it is not relevant to us.
 So,  Greeks gods, they are inside  human conflicts, they  are reflections of our human characters and our human problems. Kronos (chronos)  was  the god of time and time kills its children. And we , we are killing our children, because we try to create them the same, like we are, because we believe deep inside that this is the only way, but  we just want like Kronos, to spread our believe system everywhere till infinity. Kronos ate his children. He killed the idea of infinity by himself. his father (Uranus) , when Kronos castrate him, in this moment he trapped himself in a time, and the rules of time. Those reflections they are just the circles on the water. Ancient gods didn't know the answers, they played that game and then they just died, when we stopped to believe that it is useful  for us. We created other gods, but those others gods are they better or more useful? New generation gods, they are even not reflections, they are just shadows and nothing more. In fact, most the time we just used  the gods, they were serving us in our fears and doubts.

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