ok.. so got a hard time from L & T about the fact that i only really post when have something to moan about and not when things are rosy... so from now on will make more of an effort...so first, to catch up on the last couple of weeks...
The week before easter, met a cute couple, and had some adventures with them... then last weekend, being the long weekend was pretty quiet.. R rang me up out of the blue, good to catch up with him, and to commisserate over our shared singledom...and we went and saw a moovie together...
Movie Review: '300' **** 4 Stars
so 300 is an adaptation of yet another graphic novel to make it to the big screen, but it's set in historical times and follows th battle between 300 spartans plus friends who are trying to hold the whole of Xerxes army back by blocking a narrow pass through the mountains with themselves... i remember studying the battle in high school, so they got the basic plot right and managed to throw in a few genuine historical details with regards to the Spartans, but with lots of liberties taken of course... but what i was impressed with was the technical achievements, it was a very pretty, (violent but not gory) movie, and never have i seen blood splatters fly through the air so artistically... definately worth a watch...
sat night went to a hen's night but balked and came home when they headed to Fanny's... then sunday night caught up with CB and took him with me round to L & P's and embarrassing myself mightily in the process by calling CB by P's name.. staying up late with guitar hero and rage....
wed night, CB came around for a DVD and cuddles... but realised at the moment have a total lack of libido... seriously... have gone from nympho-land to nunsville...but realising something was wrong.... made the tough call that probably should not encourage further attentions from CB as need to spend some healing time alone for a while till i've recovered, dealt with my pains and recovered my raging sex drive... explained this to CB... but hopefully friendship is on the cards...
at the moment, am not really ready to try again at a relationship, and casual fun just leaves me feeling a bit empty and hollow... i need to rediscover the joy in being single...then i will be ready for either casual fun or a relationship depending on the right person appearing... so for now it's strictly dating only...
this weekend met an RSVP person for coffee, then had night in with the girls with DVD's and chatter, followed by a lovely sunday drive down south, and finally got to call in at the elephant shop and find out what it was about!!!...
whew...so all caught up? good!... don't worry i'm sure there'll be some self indulgent chatter to follow..