fake people masks with no eyes Bittersweet laughter Forced smiles dead dreams memories fade Grudges hold true Paper piles up Broken families Watery Graves Forgotten headstones Shattered friendships absently alone With all these fake people Who tell true lies
i hate it when people love you when they feel like it... when it is convenient for them... like they will never talk to you unless they have a real reason... unless you can do something for them... make them feel better or fix their problems....i don't know if this happens to everybody...but it sure happens to me enough for all of you
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Crowded Rooms Silent Screams Music Booms Forgotten Dreams A Distant Thought Feelings Showing A Lover Sought Never Knowing Counting Stars Memories Burned Watching Cars Depression Earned Living Nightmares Always Alone Unrelenting Cares A Heart Of Stone
well here we go, damn its been a long time since i wrote in this thing, but it would prolly make me feel better, *shrug* so lets see where to begin.... I had Xevin Micah on October 20th at 8:36pm he was 6.lb5.oz
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hey guys, i keep bitching at you all to update your journals...(which you still haven't done!) but i haven't exactally done much either...so here we go
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