1. Where did you take your default pic? One of the auditoriums in Angell Hall.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now? Glasses and a grey dress.
3. What is your current problem? I feel sick from a combination of dehydration, exhaustion, and a touch of stress.
4. What makes you most happy? My fish Puppy. Actually, I really don't know if I could pin down one thing.
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? Not listening to music, but I am watching "Everybody Loves Raymond."
6. Any celeb you would marry? Um, maybe if we connected on a personal level. I'm not too into that obsession with celebrities thing, although... I think Travis from "So You Think You Can Dance?" is wonderful.
7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Nick Carter. (That was more exciting when I was about 13.)
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? Oh sure, once or twice.......
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Several people have told me I look like Amanda Bynes, and one customer at CPK told me I look like Katie Holmes. I don't see it.
10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows? Oh my goodness, yes. "Anastasia" is one of my favorites.
11. Do you speak any other languages? I pretend to speak German.
12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Yes.
13. Do you ever watch MTV? Only when "Next" is on and the doppler radar channel is too boring.
14. What's something that really annoys you? When I try to reach out to old friends after a while and they hit me with snide remarks and guilt trips. God, I hate that.
Chapter 1: Basics
1. Middle name: Marie, just like her and her and her and her...
2. How old are you? 19
3. Current location: The red folding chair at my desk
4. Eye color: Blueish-green
Chapter 2: Family
1. Do you live with your parents: Not usually
2. Do you get along with your parent(s): Overall, yes
3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced: Married--I'm lucky
4. Do you have any siblings? Well, there is this girl who looks kind of like me and sleeps in the next room...
Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice cream: I think I've moved on from chocolate raspberry truffle to rocky road, maybe
2. Season: Winter, though spring is really beautiful in Ann Arbor, especially when I haven't seen the sun in months...
3. Shampoo/conditioner: Right now, I'm trying Nexxus Therappe (boo) and John Freida's Brilliant Brunette (not bad)
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower: Goodness, that sounds dangerous!
2. Write on your hand: Not since high school
3. Call people back: Oh my GOD, I suck at it
4. Believe in love: Yes
5. Sleep on a certain side of the bed: My bed's not big enough for that, but sure
6. Have any bad habits: Sure
7. Have any mental health issues: No but kinda
Chapter 5: Have You...
1. Broken a bone: No
2. Sprained stuff: A couple times, yay softball
3. Had physical therapy: No
4. Gotten stitches: A couple times, and it isn't quite pleasant
5. Taken painkillers: Yes... oh, wisdom teeth
6. Gone scuba diving: No, and why does that come after all the medical stuff?
7. Been stung by a bee: Indeed
8. Thrown up at the dentist: I don't think so, but I really hate X-rays
9. Sworn in front of your parents: Yes
10. Had detention: Yes, kinda
11. Been sent to the principal's office: Hahaha, I was called there after being published in the newspaper once... oh, the irony!
12. Been called a hoe: A gardening tool? Why, no...
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last:
1. Movie(s): Watched about a minute of "Finding Neverland" at dinner
2. Person to text you: Keith
3. Person you called: My dad
4. There is no #4.
5. Person you tackled: Uhhh... I gave Jus a big hug when we picked her up from camp...?
6. Thing you touched: The delete button?
7. Thing you ate: Pepperoni and mushroom pizza, mmm
8. Thing you drank: Pink lemonade
9. Thing you said: "Well, she's drumming on her stomach and watching 'Friends,' so I think she's okay." (Hahaha, that one sounds better without explanation.)
10. Friends you miss the most that have moved: Well, many of my high school friends have moved since graduation, but I especially miss Kathleen since she and her family don't even live here anymore.