boredom inspires greatness...

Jul 12, 2004 10:17

and greatness causes boredom.

1. Your full name: Samantha Beata Bruno

2. Who were you named after? nobody... but my middle name was the name of a woman my mom use to wait tables with in san francisco, so i guess that counts

3. Which finger is your favorite? the middle one... wanna see?

4. Have you ever sang into a hair brush? yeah... and?

5. When did you last cry? yesterday, i got shampoo in my eyes while taking a shower. does that count?

6 Do you like your handwriting? if i liked computer-type

7. What is your favorite lunch meat? roast beef

8. Any bad habits? yeah...

9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? the first britney spears cd

10. If you were another person, would you be friends with YOU? i dunno, im too sarcastic, i probably would piss myself off

11. Are you a daredevil? when i wanna be

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? yeah... but we wont go there

13. Do looks matter? i would say they dont, but then i would be lying.

14. Have you ever said a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? all the friggin time

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? no, just some fucked up leprechaun dancing around and throwing colored marshmellows at people

16. Do fish have feelings? i was just talking about this the other day... and i just know realize how pathetic that sounds... but i was. i was saying that people dont consider everything to have feelings. i think every living creature has feelings. bugs have feelings. plants have friggin feelings. its just a matter of actually taking them into regard

17. How do you release anger? crying, screaming, kicking, hitting, punching... no, crying and writing

18. Where are your second homes? california (my dads house)... the grove... a couple of my friends houses...

19. Do you trust others easily? too much sometimes

20. What was your favorite toy as a child? lite brite. that thing was the shit.

21. What class in school do you think is totally useless? precal (or any other math). who cares what the perimeter of my garden is in inches, centimetes, and yards? or the mass of the pot roast im cooking based on its surface area?

22. Do you have a journal? a written one? yeah but i havent written in a while

23. Do you use sarcasm a lot? *raises eyebrows* no, and i never will...

24. Have you ever been to a dance? yeah

25. What do you look for in a boy/girl friend? someone who i can be myself with. someone who knows me really well, or is willing to get to know me. someone who can make me smile and someone who can comfort me when i cry. someone who i can be silly with, but also be serious with. someone who can show me completely new things. someone who can love me for who i am.

26. What are your nickname(s)? sam, sami, pinky, titch, cali girl, west coast, candie...

27. Would you ever bungee jump? maybe...

28. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no

29. Do you think you're strong? no

30. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? french vanilla (or is it freedom vanilla now? lol)

31. favorite color(s)? kelly green (or emerald green, same thing)

32. your least favorite thing(s)? sharks, needles, boredom, mr bloomfield lol

33. How many wisdom teeth do you have? all of them...

34. How many people have a crush on you right now? i dunno, people dont tell me these things... mayly, so thats one. lol

35. Who do you miss? everyone!!!

36. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back? no sending was done on my part

37. What are you wearing right now? a tight green polo short, denim capri pants, pooka shells, flip flops

38. What are you listening to right now? keyboard clicking... im in the computer lab at a school

39. What was the last thing you ate? an altoid... before that, a cinnamon bagel with cream cheese and a piece of toast with raspberry jelly

40. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green, man, its all about the green

41. How is the weather right now? its overcast but warm... typical san diego beach weather...

42. Last person you talked to on the phone? erik

43 First thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes... or is it hair? no, eyes, definitely eyes

44. Do you like the person who sent you this? stole it from suzie, and yeah shes awesome

45. How old are you today? 17

46. Favorite drink? cream soda

47. What is your favorite acholic drink? if its alcoholic, im not complaining

48. Favorite sport? surfing

49. Eye color? hazel

50. Do you wear contacts? no

51. Siblings and their ages: frankie 36, kara 34, tasneem 13, nicky 10

52. Favorite month? october

53. last movie you watched? mystic river... no, shoot... kill bill, volume 1... (i saw them back to back, so i guess they both count)

54. Favorite day of the year? first day of fall

55. Are you too shy to ask someone out? not at all... wanna go out?

56. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings... im a chickenshit

57. Summer or winter? winter

58. Hugs or kisses? depends on the person

59. Ford or Chevy? ford

60. Relationships or one-night stands? i dunno... relationships

61. Do you want your friends to write back? if they wanna, i cant stop em

62. Who is most likely to respond? the bored one

63. Who is least likely to respond? the great one (yes we are back to the whole boredom vs. greatness thing)

64. Living arrangements? mom, stepdad and stepsister in miami... dad, stepmom and brother in san diego

65. What books are you reading? chocolat by joanne harris

66. favorite games? mousetrap!

67. What did you watch on TV last night? mystic river and kill bill, i told u

68. What do u want most out of life? to be content... to live it out to the fullest

69. If you could be anywhere in the world where would it be? i dunno... lets go to paris!

70. What is your favorite animal? duckie!!!!
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