Title: Draco dormiens Artist:serendipity_008 Rating: rated R (sort of) Media: Pencil/PS Notes: I drew this a while ago. Never got around to posting it. Holidays are making me lazy. This is for alaana_fair and pink_mint for the lovely snowflakes.
I made some collages of my favourite TV programs at the moment. I don’t get to watch much TV during the semester. So I spent the last few days watching a ridiculous number of recorded programs.
Art for my second prompt has been posted in hd_fanart. It’s just as great as the first one. You guys all know this artist. Her take on the prompt is very funny. Harry’s expression just cracks me up every single time. Go give her some love :D
Art for one of my prompts in hd_fanart has been posted. I am sure you guys have seen it already, but if not go see it right now and give him/her some love. It’s brilliant.