Title Inner Demons (sequel to
Starting Over)
Chapter 60/60: Desperate Measures
serendipity_50Pairings: H/G, R/Hr
Warnings: Het sex, mild profanity, angst
Word Count this chapter: about 10,800
Era: Post-DH Pre-Epilogue
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment only.
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Comments 2
So in this part I love that Ginny is in full battle mode and not about to let anyone get in her way. This is a huge huge step from the beginning and middle of the story and I love that growth of hers. I also appreciate that she isn't 100% cured and still has her fears because that is what makes her human.
The parts with her and Harry made me sob and just ache.
I also like that Harry is finally beginning to understand what it is like for Ginny and he isn't so one-minded. It has taken him a long time (the canon books and SO and the rest of ID) to realize that and you've shown it brilliantly!
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