On Booth in Season 8

Feb 21, 2013 19:39

Just real quick - spoilery but vague for the season so far

So in recent episodes Booth's been downright cranky with Bones and I've been all ">.> You better mind your mushy mouth, Seeley Booth!" because okay yes Bones can be annoying but she's JUST BEING BONES! Her behaviour's exactly the same as it's always been and Booth's been so touchy and then? It dawned on me. What's changed? They're living together now! They're always around each other and this is them feeling each other out, learning how to work around each other without the buffer of going back to their own 'space' for a couple hours or days. Okay it's been a while now since they found their Mighty Hut but these things take time. That is my explanation and I'm okay with that.


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