I have come back from Animatsuri convention yesterday. Was pretty good, but i back down anyway. I spend all yesterday evening crying, because i realized how pathetic i am :C I was happy that i meet my friends again, and i was always very jelous of people who have many friends. Conventions in polad are very social, many, many people know each others
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Comments 15
But that's very sweet what you're writing ;3; I really need more of people like you in real ;__;
To be honest i'm feeling depressed like that, for a very long time. I've been harshed in the past and still i'm. I have mood swings because of that, cause i'm trying to live in joy, but depression is comming very often. That's true, nobody is perfect, but nobody is such imperfect like me
Mam juz dosyc ludzi, bardzo chcialabym miec wiecej znajomych, albo chociaz umiec zamienic z kims dwa slowa, bez wyrzutow sumienia ze musi na mnie patrzec. Jest mi po prostu strasznie glupio i wole zaszyc sie w kacie.
a konwenty to nienajlepsze miejsce by poznawac ludzi i wydaje mi sie ze trzeba byc raczej glosna i odwazna osobke by dac sobie rade.
hug :*
betty/DA> shy4 (betty-art.blogspot.com)
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