get out

Jul 18, 2004 23:33

pick up an eraser and erase yourself out of the internal segment within me that remembers you dearly... because you're not; your heart is rotten, shriveled, and cold... but yet you still let out  a tint of the light you try to hide  so well; accidental i suppose. secure yourself better next time love.

drawn to you..... > you need someone to show ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

anonymous December 7 2004, 16:00:35 UTC
you fucking stupid bitch dont fucken tell me how high or low my maturity level is just because i want to talk a little shit now and your probably just upset because you told manny you couldnt trust anyone and your just mad cuz he tore your little worthless heart of yours oh well now and someone told me you dont even talk that way in person so stop busting out your little fucking dictionary cuz your gonna choke on one of those words and if your gonna use a big word know how to use you fucking kike ha ha ha ha dumb bitch


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