Not As Planned

Aug 06, 2009 15:18

So, it's nearing the end of summer and I not only didn't get any real writing done, but my plans for the new school year have completely spun out of control.  Let's break things down, shall we?

Remember me talking about how I was gonna play volleyball at my new school to get to know people?  Yeah, that's not happening.  Due tot he fact that I am transferring schools in 10th grade, I was denied eligibility.  We went to an appeal yesturday and that too was denied because I didn't "prove significant hardship".  No, being bullied, being threatened, transferring for strictly academic reasons, not playing volleyball before or any sport in high school, and being a bumbling klutz, isn't enough to let me on the varsity team.  Yeah, uh huh.

-Concert, Jazz, and Marching Band Band in general
Turns out I miss band and all the fun times.  Also (I feel stupid for feeling this way) I kinda want to go back to my old school because I at least know what's there instead of this huge unknown, social-death trap at my new school.  But, I digress.  I miss playing for my old band, but will hopefully get to play at college band all year since I don't get to play volleyball.  (There's another appeal I can go through, but a girl can only take so much of this and I've basically given up on that little fantasy.)

Yeah, I hardly did anything this summer for that.  I read a lot and exposed myself to different areas (I read a *decent* vampire book!), but that doesn't quite cut it.  I started project after project, got idea after idea, translated brainwave after brainwave, but I didn't really write much.  Geeze, how's that for greatness?  I did, however, join a new writing board and that's turned out pretty interesting.  I write a character that really speaks for herself rather than me having to come up with material, which is pretty nice.   I mean that in the non-psychotic way that means she's really fleshed out and it's not a struggle to write her.  I hate her twisted-ness, whore status, and various other qualities, but she's easy to write verses my other characters and she reminds me of the only other character I've written that can speak for themselves.  Actually, my new girl is based on a certain aspect that came out in the later life of the other character and the idea struck me while driving home from vacation.

Basically, thing's aren't going as I wanted them to and I needed to blog about it.  Also, my head got a new buddy: my desk.

headdesk, plans, writing, stupidity, school year '09, band

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