I have recently become kinda addicted to playing rock-paper-scissors (I remember playing Jan Ken Pon in Japanese in year 8) on emailcash. I won 15 points for winning up to level 7 last night!
Of course today my luck hasn't been so good. But it's amusing, nonetheless.
Check out emailcash!I've also been enjoying lurking in the forums there
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Comments 5
sorry i tricked you before :P
Emailcash is good. I got up to $2.95, but then spent $1 on game tokens. I'm getting there, slowly. Shouldn't be too long until you get your points for referring me!
I also signed up for www.spidermetrix.com and yourvoice.net - do you want me to email you an invite? They are similar to emailcash.
email cash takes awhile unless you buy stuff but i havent yet! :D
and yes pelase do send!! :D those games are addictive eh?!
Eck. No more RPS for me - I've lost several games today, and I just got to level 6, then lost. Drat!
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