i'm a leaf on the wind

Dec 06, 2007 00:55

Obligatory Questions

01. Name: Cat
02. Age: 29
03. Gender: Female
04. Location: Earth's closest approximation to a border planet, a.k.a. Hawaii
05. Likes: Art, fashion, partying, getting hyphy, picking up cute guys, hanging with friends, shopping, traveling (as long as it's not traveling light), my 3" stiletto boots, good music, geektacular sci-fi (Firefly, Farscape, Doctor Who, and Star Trek:TNG are my addictions of choice), teen soaps (I won't say guilty pleasure, because I don't really feel guilty about it), crappy reality TV (still not guilty, but I do feel mildly dirty), cheese
06. Dislikes: Narrow-minded and/or stupid people, bad drivers, onions, people who wear navy blue with black, crocs, people who think leggings are pants, being bored, my job
07. Hobbies and/or Talents: Writing, drawing, creating digital art, web design, fashion design, computer geekery, wasting time on LJ
08. Strengths: Creativity, resourcefulness, ambition, determination, intelligence (I like to think, anyway), being a pretty snappy dresser, and I make a pretty mean margarita even if I do say so myself
09. Weaknesses: Easily bored, impulsive, short attention span, inability to be patient with thick and/or stupid people


01. Colour: Red
02. Movies: Star Wars (the originals, not the prequels), Lord of the Rings, Serenity (duh), cheesy teen movies (Mean Girls and Clueless FTW)
03. Books: Edith Wharton or Jane Austen when I'm feeling intellectual; otherwise, brain rot genre fiction that's generally not very challenging but highly amusing
04. Music: My tastes are all over the map, and often shift depending on my mood or current mindset. I notice I lean toward incredibly cheesy pop music when my life is going badly, but otherwise, I gravitate toward indie rock and alternative.  I also have a weakness for '80s music.

This or That

01. Leader or follower? Leader, unless it's something I don't feel passionate about or particularly enjoy like say, my job
02. Brains or brawn? Depends who I'm dealing with. Generally, I try to reason my way out of things, but if there's some really irritating and persistent genius on my case, I'd just as soon pop them in the face. At least it'll shut them up.
03. Fight or run? Fight. Preferably with guns. Although I like some medieval weaponry if the occasion calls for it.
04. Psychological warfare, or a good ol' fashioned ass-kickin'? Well, messing with people's minds can be amusing, but in the long run, ass-kickin' probably is more efficient.
05. Dreamer or realist? Realist, although I have my dreamer moments.
06. Win at all costs, or honour until the end? How much do I get paid if I win?
07. Paper or plastic? Paper, unless I'm walking home in the rain, because then my groceries would be a soggy mess. Ew.


01. How to do react to stressful situations? I can't really explain why but I'm always calm in stressful situations... I don't know, the freak-out impulse just never reaches my brain, I guess. I just don't see the point in freaking out... it's better to try to collect yourself try to solve the problem instead of worrying.
02. Who is your least favourite person in the universe, fictional or not? This creeper at work, who I really wish was fictional
03. The eternal question. You find a wallet full of money, credit cards, etc. What do you do with it? I'd turn it in to the police or try to get it back to them somehow, unless it belonged to creeper, in which case I'd buy myself something pretty and then treat my friends to a very expensive dinner and a round of drinks, on him, before turning it in. 
04. How well do you take and insult? Is it true? Ahh, well, I'd probably still insult them back, preferably in a way that's funnier. 
05. Pick a weapon. My brain. Although I'd want a big ole gun for backup.
06. You're sending a capsule into space, to educate any alien races who might find it on human culture. Remember, you have to impress them, or else they'll think we're stupid and blow us up. What do you put in the capsule? Hmm... gotta say those coffee makers with timers are a pretty ingenius invention.  Saves a lot of time in the morning.  Oh, and the risk of repeating myself, stiletto boots.  Those things are amazing.
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