Who am I?

Apr 20, 2008 22:07

Obligatory Questions

01. Name: Lauren
02. Age: 21
03. Gender: Female
04. Location: Florida.
05. Likes: hanging out online and in real life, chocolate, strawberries, music, fanfiction, psychology, crime, law, singing, sign language
06. Dislikes: Biological sciences, people who over-explain, dining hall food, scary movies
07. Hobbies and/or Talents: reading, thinking, observing people, painting, drawing, pretending I can dance
08. Strengths: intelligence, wit, loyalty
09. Weaknesses: OCD, depression, and anxiety; chocolate; sometimes stubborn, judgmental, and jealous


01. Colour: Green and brown
02. Movies: A Beautiful Mind, Benny and Joon, Pride and Prejudice
03. Books: Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter series, Antigone, The Scarlet Letter, A Wrinkle in Time
04. Music: My favorite band is Queen. In the cases of most bands, I tend to have a limited amount of exposure. I can say that I like Billy Joel, Roger Taylor, Josh Groban, and Pink Floyd. General types of music that I listen to include various rock genres, celtic music, big band, soundtracks, and folk.

This or That

01. Leader or follower? I don't tend to like making decisions, but depending on the situation, I'm fine with taking control.
02. Brains or brawn? I'd definitely say the first one.
03. Fight or run? I've never been in a physical fight so I don't know how I would react. I've definitely wanted to punch people before, but I seriously doubt I would win. At any rate, I would probably run at some point.
4. Psychological warfare, or a good ol' fashioned ass-kickin'? Psychological warfare
05. Dreamer or realist? I am very much both.
06. Win at all costs, or honour until the end? Honour.
07. Paper or plastic? It depends on what I'm buying. I reuse or recycle either anyway.


01. How to do react to stressful situations? I don't handle my own stress very well, but I am pretty good at helping with other people's problems. In my limited experience with them, I stay calm and come through in emergencies.
02. Who is your least favourite person in the universe, fictional or not? I don't really have one. My strongest reactions of dislike tend to be related to my OCD. My mind is in the habit of throwing up walls when it encounters things like that so I can't really answer.
03. The eternal question. You find a wallet full of money, credit cards, etc. What do you do with it? I turn it in somewhere.
04. How well do you take an insult? It tends to provoke anger and hurt. I'm not often insulted to my face, but rather tend to be very sensitive and take slightly negative comments very personally.
05. Pick a weapon. Causing phsyical harm would be such a personal thing for me so it would need to be a personal weapon, like a blade. It seems to me, using a gun would leave you knowing you had done it but feeling less connected to it or like it was unreal.
06. You're sending a capsule into space, to educate any alien races who might find it on human culture. Remember, you have to impress them, or else they'll think we're stupid and blow us up. What do you put in the capsule? Under the assumption that they could figure out how to work the CD player or whatever, I would put classical music in it. I suppose pictures of beautiful architecture would be good, and I would really want to include pictures of love and happiness--like children and families.

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