So, for those who don't know, you can say that my first fandom is InuYasha. That was my gateway drug into anime. I never had been motivated to make fanfiction or decent fanart for it, BUT I did waste a bunch of my time to make this:
IYK I kind of just remembered about my e-mail tied to that place and logged in. I feel bad looking at messages other IY fandom-ers sent nearly weeks, a month and a year ago.
There were some things I wanted to do with the site. At least screencap all of the series and just leave it up for whoever to look at. Keep offering website awards to urge other people with design. Call it an archive site, but I failed even finish that. Then they added on to the series "Final Act" as well so it's like, ehhhh. I never finished the original series and I'm not motivated enough to do it yet. I don't know why.
So, should I just close the website?
I can't decide. It's hard when I spent a lot of my childhood into it, you know?
I enjoyed making design layouts. That was the fun thing for me and how I learned a bit about how to do website design and html. I'm just not a big in the series anymore like I used to. Naruto takes up most of my time now... I just don't have website for that, lol. (amigad, imagine the grandest KakaSaku shrine)
Ah, well.
On a side note, HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone!