In her hair, Aerith wears a small greenish-white ball, called Holy Materia. Although she doesn't believe it has any use, it belonged to her biological mother, and she treasures it. She has a few special abilities, such as calling upon the power of the earth to help her heal, as well as her own magic. This magic is part of who she is, having been passed down from her mother just as her abilities to speak to or with the dead once they have recently departed. Once they die and join the Lifestream, Aerith is able to hear their cries in the form of the earth speaking to her, and is able to occasionally pass on messages to their loved ones for them.
Aerith is not able to run very fast, and if she sees someone in trouble, she will stop at almost nothing to help that person. Some may see this as a strength, but for her it turns out to be a weakness. She sometimes is a bit overzealous and does not always think her plans through before acting, which landed her in trouble on more than one occasion.
Growing flowers, helping others during their times of need (emotionally), can talk to the dead...sort of, and she can communicate with the Earth.
*this section is still under construction.