What are the requirements of a Big Bang author?
The challenge requires you, as our Big Bang author, to write a piece that is at least 10,000 words long about serial killers. In addition to signing up to participate in this Big Bang, we (the mods) ask that you join
serialkillerbb and friend the community. If you don’t join and friend the community for updates,
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Comments 13
Did you read/understand the rules and the FAQ?: yes
Email: kalypsobean -at- gmail.com
Fandom(s)/Pairing(s): Supernatural RPS, Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Did you read/understand the rules and the FAQ?: yes
Email: kalypsobean -at- gmail.com
Fandom(s)/Pairing(s): The Hitcher (2007), John Ryder (pairing tbd)
LJ Name(s): brokenhighways
Did you read/understand the rules and the FAQ?: Yes
Email: padalysedalways@ymail.com
Fandom(s)/Pairing(s): Supernatural RPS/J2
Did you read/understand the rules and the FAQ?: I obviously wrote these rules, so I have to understand them.
Email: I think I have that...
Fandom(s)/Pairing(s): It's a toss up between The Mentalist or The Following. Pairing TBA.
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