Series Title: Dwindling Pieces
Title: Resipiscence
Word Count: 18,116
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Implied H/D, R/Hr and D/OC
Warnings: Implied sexual scenes/situations, Character insanity
Summary: How did it start, this tangle, this mess I got myself into? Was it finding you in the bathroom, screaming? No, I did not pity you then. It was your flying,
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Comments 3
I hate that I must stop now, I know I will dream about this, and I will devour the rest as soon as I am able - because it's GRIPPING and I want to stay up all hours and want to cry because I cannot.
Each of your comments - thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. You don't know (or maybe you do?) how much they mean to me.
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