
Mar 29, 2010 09:23

If the weather holds, I believe the mountain climb will take place Wednesday. Thus far, it has been nice in the mornings and afternoons, then rains during the evenings ( Read more... )

germany, private, work

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Comments 32

prettynotweak March 29 2010, 16:17:59 UTC
I hope the weather does hold. It would be such a terrible disappointment if it did not.


seriousaura March 29 2010, 16:19:43 UTC
We might have to make an early morning trek. You will have to consume breakfast for once.


prettynotweak March 29 2010, 16:21:15 UTC
Only if Kabaji makes me bread again :)


seriousaura March 29 2010, 16:24:45 UTC
You'll have to ask Atobe if he can. I have no qualms about him using the kitchens.


fluffypinklove March 30 2010, 17:08:17 UTC
You know what they say, all work and no play makes Kuni-chan a dull boy~ Or are you saving all the playing for when we meet again~? <3


seriousaura March 30 2010, 17:11:12 UTC
That is the only work I plan on doing, Konjiki. I'm sure many of our peers would argue that I am already dull.

In any case, Hitouji would never let you out of his sight.


fluffypinklove March 30 2010, 17:14:26 UTC
You should prove them wrong, Kuni-baby :-* You and I both know you can be a burning flame of passion, mmm?

We'll see about that~ ;D


seriousaura March 30 2010, 17:18:30 UTC
I'm content to do nothing of the sort, Konjiki. In regards to tennis, yes. Other things are none of your concern.

Oh, joy. :|

(ooc: he's being heavily sarcastic XD)


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