(no subject)

Jun 08, 2008 18:08

Name: Amada Ken
Age: 11 years old (Birthdate is June 24, 1998)
Height: 150 cm (4'11")
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Blood Type: AB

Medical Info: Normal, healthy young boy!

Physical Traits: Short, small, and always wears those damned shorts even in the depths of Winter.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Nothing past December in the game! Other than that, asking's probably a good idea.

Abilities: He's a badass with his spear, which he uses to make up for his short stature. Also, there's his Persona, which gives him some Dia (healing) and Zio (lightning) abilities, but his strength Hama (light-based abilities), which occasionally instantly K.O. the enemy. He's weak against Mudo (dark-based abilities).

Notes for the Psychics: There is a Persona in his head. /o/ As for the Persona-- well, Because he's past October, Nemesis is now Kala-Nemi. Also he's a little bit crazy. And very justice-oriented.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask first!

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Asking is always a good policy.

Maim/Murder/Death: Sure, I'd love to! --oh wait, you mean to me. ...But seriously, ask first.

Cooking: That's Shinjiro-sempai's department.
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