Synopsis: A hundred years after the end of the last great war between humans and reploids, the stage is set for a new war. This time, the hero is a spunky young human, gifted with the ability to merge with remnants (called Biometals) of the heroes from a previous era. Save the world! ... again! Eesh.
What Caught My Eye: The opening sequence, which
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Comments 2
- Hx shows a life meter and weakness diagram for enemies you're facing;
- Lx has a fairly large map and a Cyber-elf that detects hidden objects;
- Px has a much smaller map, but one which shows hidden passages and enemies;
- finally, Fx has a "Buster Edit" screen, as that Biometal's main weapons can be adjusted to travel in different directions.
It's like the automapping/monster library features for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - useful, but not something that makes for a good screenshot.Reply
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