JOHNLOCK Gift Exchange

Dec 02, 2012 17:50

[This is part of my johnlock gift exchange project - if you are not into it or haven't started at the beginning, ignore it ;)]

John laughed and started looking for the bag. He found it squashed behind a bin next to the stairs. Oh fuck,...,by “his coat” he literally meant HIS coat. John had always fantasized about what it would be like to put on this glorious Belstaff coat Sherlock called his own. And now, he had it in his hands somewhere in an alley close to West Cromwell Road. Hidden in the folds of the coat was another pair of his red pants that Sherlock was infatuated with.

John looked around and listened closely. Nobody seemd to be near him. It was astonishing how much he trusted Sherlock. Without thinking about it any further, he shed his clothes and put on the red pants and Sherlock's coat. It was a bit too long for him and thus, hang down to his shins covering up most of his naked skin. Nevertheless, he felt a chill creeping up his legs starting in his toes. He turned the note around and there was again an address. He realised it was of a car park around the corner. He swiftly set out to walk there. If he remembered correctly, it was a multistorey car park, so which storey should he go to? There was also something scribbled next to the address
“Add our postcode to the address and you'll know where to go.”

Ahead of him he could see the multistorey building coming into view. They had been here before during a case. He went straight to the night entrance which was mysteriously kept open by a Unionjack cushion that was jammed between the door and the frame. He tore it out and took it along. How dare he use my cushion as a door stopper?!
A bit angry but mostly giddy, John hastened up the stairs until he reached the correct level. The door closed with a loud thud behindhim and it took him some seconds to adjust his eyes to the darkness. The deck was dark and only in the far corner one of the neon lampswas flickering. In front of him stood an obscenely big white car -one door wide open, a naked leg wantonly protruding from it and beckoning him to come closer. He would recognise these sinewy calves anywhere.

[As explained, there was an address on the backside of the note, go to
and add Sherlock's clue.]


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