[Dramatic Introduction Music]
Welcome to Adaptation Idol!
The ultimate reality show for the modern age: Adapt or be eliminated from the gene pool of the universe.
Ten million years ago thirty contesting races were given the first building blocks of civilisation. From identical, imperfect beginnings, it was up to each race to evolve on its own terms. Each episode, the civilisation that you - the voters - deem to be the least perfect will be eliminated:
Previously on Adaptation Idol:
The Martians were disqualified for tampering with the radar systems of other contestants;
The Little Green Men were eliminated after they accidentally blew themselves up;
And the Human Race found themselves in the bottom two for the second millennia in a row;
Tonight, the Human Race faces their biggest challenge yet:
[Even more Dramatic Music]
An Announcement from The Judges:
In recent years, it has come to our attention that the human race is failing to perform at the highest standard necessary for survival in this competition. We expect all of our contestants to play to win.
Furthermore, we would like to remind the human race (again) that they’re competing against the rest of the universe; not against each other.
Remember the advice you were given when you began:
"Playing the odds is nothing more than recognition of the fact that perfection is beyond your grasp. It is using every device at your disposal to win the game in the face imperfection."
At the end of tonight’s show, one contestant will face elimination:
Human race: you need to up your game.
[Epic Dramatic Music]
All that, and more to come in this episode of Adaptation Idol!
Who will win?
YOU decide!
This entry is about human (& otherwise) development on a macro-scale. To see my intersection partner,
cheshire23's brilliant micro-scale take on the same topic hop along over to