jairissa has started a new RPG, and I am playing both Lilith Malfoy and Victoire Weasley. This would not be particularly worth it's own entry, if Teddy's PB wasn't Jensen Ackles and Victoire's wasn't Alona Tal making videos very very appropraite
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Because Teddy cheats on her and BIG BREAKUP
This one I absolutely love because it's so Victoire's outlook on everything: ( can't embed)
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Really short and really perfect.
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Why is it all the songs that are perfect for Victoire are sung by guys?
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This thought is just really effing amusing. Victoire's Secret anyone?
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This, it hurts me to say, was absolutely necessary.
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Yes, I posted Avril, get over it.
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Pure Victoire this time, because she isn't obsessive about Teddy (She isn't, I swear!) Plus, I <333 this song.
Yeah, okay--Jai? Decision. At some point, Victoire needs to get herself in a jam, where it's all dangerous--and Teddy should save her. That is all. She'll be all pissy about it though.