? ? ?I N F O R M A T I O N ? ? ?
Name: chelsea
Single or taken: tazzaken
Sex: femme
Birthday: pshh
Sign: pshh
Siblings: 1.5
Hair color: currently...?
Eye colour: greenish
Height: 5'5"
? ? ? R E L A T I O N S H I P S ? ? ?
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: think arrow
Who are your best friends?: joe, dave, kelly...
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
How many exes do you have?: real ones? 2
What is your longest relationship?: currently... 2yrs, 7 mos, 30 days... tomorrow's 2 yrs 8 mos.
What was your shortest relationship?: my shortest one... 6 mos
? ? ? F A S H I O N | S T U F F ? ? ?
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: nowhere in particular
Any tattoos or piercings: sure
Favorite designer?: i don't really own designer stuff...
What is your sexiest outfit?: hahahahaaha
What is your most comfortable outfit?: i don't wear uncomfy things
What do you usually wear?: shorts or jeans and a shirt or hoodie
? ? ? S P E C I F I C S ? ? ?
Do you do drugs?: no
What kind of shampoo do you use?: none, usually
What are you most scared of?: nothing, really
What are you listening to right now: staind - tonight
Who is the last person that called you?: probably joe... i don't get many other calls
Where do you want to get married?: doesn't particularly matter
How many buddies are online right now?: 6
What would you change about yourself?: nada
? ? ? F A V O R I T E S ? ? ?
Colors: orange
Foods: the p's
Girls names: kyle, maegan
Boys names: hm... sean
Subjects in school: this past year it was psych
Animals: turtles
? ? ? H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ? ? ?
Given anyone a bath?: myself
Smoked?: no
Bungee jumped?: no
Made yourself throw up?: no
Skinny dipped?: no
Ever been in love?: possibly
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
Pictured your crush naked?: yes
Actually seen your crush naked?: shmaybe
Cried when someone died?: no
Lied: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: yes
Been rejected?: yes
Rejected someone?: i suppose so...
Used someone?: no
Done something you regret?: not any more
? ? ? C U R R E N T ? ? ?
Clothes: boxers and teeshirt
Music: staind
Annoyance: none
Smell: none
Desktop picture: a stinkpot hatchling
Cd in player: in the car... staind... that's odd... i forgot that... hm...
DVD in player: goodfellas
? ? ? L A S T | P E R S O N ? ? ?
You touched: probably my father
Hugged: joe
You IMed: dave
You yelled at: no yelling... the only thing that might sound like it is when i communicate with my teammates who're on the ice while i'm not... in that case, it'd be kolty to watch the girl out of the box
? ? ? A R E | Y O U ? ? ?
Understanding: yes
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: no
Insecure: yes
Random: yes
Hungry: somewhat
Smart: yeah
Moody: yes
Hard working: when i need to be
Organized: depends
Healthy: hell no
Shy: usually
Difficult: only about food
Attractive: i've heard i am, but i don't think so. at all.
Bored easily: depends
Obsessed: no
Angry: quick to anger
Sad: not like i used to be
Happy: more than i used to be
Hyper: sometimes
Trusting: no
? ? ? W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ? ? ?
Kill?: no one
Slap?: no one
Get really wasted with?: i don't get wasted
Get high with: i don't get high
Talk to offline: dave
Talk to online: a different dave
Sex it up with: hahahahaha
? ? ? R A N D O M ? ? ?
In the morning I: think about all the things i have to do
All you need is: something to hold you over
Love is: the past, present, and future
I dream about: some really fucked up things
Sexual preference: men
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: depends on how we meet
? ? ? W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ? ? ?
Coke or Pepsi: i don't like either
Flowers or candy: not really into either, unless, of course, you're talking about maple sugar candy... :::drooooooooooools:::
Tall or short: in-between-y
? ? ? W H O ? ? ?
Makes you laugh the most: meh, joe?
Makes you smile: joe
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: awwwwwwwwww
? ? ? D O | Y O U | E V E R ? ? ?
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: i have before, when i really needed to talk but didn't want to sound like it and/or desperate, even though i really was.....
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: often
Wish you were younger?: not particularly
Cried because someone said something to you?: no
? ? ? N U M B E R ? ? ?
Of times I have had my heart broken: once
Of hearts I have broken: zero, i think
Of guys I've kissed: 3
Of girls I've kissed: 0
Of CD's I own: 75ish
Of scars on my body: more'n 40
Of things that I regret: none
? ? ? Y O U R | T H O U G H T S ? ? ?
I know: how to handle pressure
I want: to learn
I have: a lot that i'm grateful for
I wish: things were different sometimes
I fear: falling into old habits it took so long to overcome
I hear: stupid people
I search: my room through all the shit on my floor, haha
I wonder: what time it is often
I love: a lot of things
If I were a month, I'd be: december
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: thursday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 5 30 am
If I were a planet, I'd be: mars
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: barnacles
If I were a direction, I'd be: south south west?
If I were a sin, I'd be: pride
If I were a famous person, I'd be: myself in a few years (i hope), or Lance because he must be raking in the dough now
If I were a liquid, I'd be: gatorade
If I were a tree, I'd be: dogwood
If I were a bird, I'd be: peregrine falcon, or a penguin
If I were a tool, I'd be: myter saw
If I were a flower/plant, I'd be: shubbery
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: rain
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: daemon
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: trumpet
If I were an animal, I'd be: jaguar
If I were a color, I'd be: white
If I were an emotion, I'd be: tranquility
If I were an alcoholic drink, I'd be: i don't really know any...
If I were a sound, I'd be: the crack of thunder
If I were an element, I'd be: fire or plutonium...
If I were a car, I'd be: corvette
If I were a song, I'd be: late at night
If I were a movie, I'd be: girl, interrupted
If I were a book, I'd be: tell me your dreams
If I were a food, I'd be: clementines
If I were a place, I'd be: mountain
If I were a material, I'd be: cotton
If I were a taste, I'd be: toothpaste
If I were a scent, I'd be: nothingness
If I were a religion, I'd be: buddhist
If I were a word, I'd be: true
If I were an object, I'd be: leaf
If I were a body part, I'd be: ankle
If I were a facial expression, I'd be: surprised
If I were a subject in school, I'd be: gym
If I were a cartoon character, I'd be: wile e coyote
If I were a shape, I'd be: circle
If I were a number, I'd be: 9
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What Self-Mutilation Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla so, yeah