Smallville, 'Luthor':
in which Clark learns a valuable lesson in nature vs nurture!
A lesson he shouldn't have had to learn, at least not to the extent suggested by his pre-opening-credits vitriol towards anyone of Luthor descent. Jonathan may have subscribed to the "Luthor blood is inevitably bad blood" view of the world, but Clark never has; a large portion of his friendship with Lex was the result of his disagreement with his father on that score, and even after Lex went Dark Side, Clark still knew full well that Lex hadn't been innately evil. (See, for instance, 'Fracture'.) His comments to Tess about how all Luthors are just plain born bad were ridiculously out of character--not to mention over the top--and almost managed to sour me on this episode before it even got going.
Fortunately, once Clark switched universes, things got better. And by better, of course I mean LUTHOR FAMILY DYSFUNCTION YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
--Clark Luthor calls Tess "sis" AND sleeps with her. He killed Lex--who, at some point in their brotherly existence, branded Clark's arm with the Luthor crest. Paging
seperis, paaaaaaging
seperis... Lionel is the Magnificent Bastard turned up to eleven, as he would be given the opportunity to raise a superhuman being.
...oh, my Luthors. I have MISSED YOU. \o/
...I missed him rather a lot, actually. *loves*
--" little half-bred tramp with a Magdalene complex." LIONEL. I think that may rival his, 'The hugely expensive diamond watch I gave your wife? A mere trifle! Comparable in price and significance to when you give her a Whitman's Sampler!' insult from s2. :)
--Lionel's attitude towards Tess is very interesting to me. He dismissed her as never having been "special" enough, which, given that this is a Lionel whose Magnificent Bastardy is exaggerated by the ego-trip of being responsible for raising Clark, makes sense. But the extent to which he seemed to revel in calling her things like "whore" and minimizing her importance as a person--and the fact that, in Our World, he shuffled her off to the orphanage and never claimed her even after Lex proved himself too unsuitable (read: independent) for Lionel's preferences--suggests that Lionel was never particularly interested in having a daughter. Particularly one who seemed both willing and able to think and act for herself, regardless of Lionel's wishes.
--"You misspell words--simple words--on an alarmingly frequent basis." *snicker*
--"I can't live in a world where you don't love me." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. *waff*
--Lionel's little lesson on Lear (alliteration, woo!) was both hilarious and fascinating. Hilarious because, well, Lionel and his attempts to edumacate his children with metaphors from the classics, hee. *g* Fascinating because, if we take the metaphor seriously in light of Lionel's rant while he kicked and whipped Clark around the floor of Watchtower, then the reason Lionel slotted Clark into the Cordelia role was because Clark hasn't killed him. Lionel is alive; ergo, Clark must love him. And, frankly, given how easy it would be for Clark Luthor to do away with the old man, it is rather suggestive that Clark chose to try to escape to another world rather than just rid his world of Lionel.
And then you apply Lionel's metaphor to Our World, in which Lex (Goneril!) killed his father years ago...
...Luthor. Family. Dysfunction. :D! :D! :D!
--Clark Luthor? Stylish. *humina* *G*
--The scene Clark returned to--Watchtower trashed, Oliver, Tess and Lois all aiming kryptonite-tipped weapons at his head--was super-effective at suggesting how bad the fight with Clark Luthor must've been.
--Finally, because it deserves repeating: LUTHORVERSE LIONEL IS HERE. I'd been spoiled for the fact that Glover would be sticking around for more episodes than just this one, but I had no idea how they were planning to pull that off. In retrospect, I probably should've figured this out, but I didn't, and HOMG I LOVE IT. :D!!!!!
Supernatural, 'Caged Heat':
--"I learned that from the pizza man." *snerk*
This does, however, raise an interesting possibility: is Meg destined to be The Woman Who Makes It Out Of SPN Alive? 'Cause somehow, I don't think they're playing up the whole Cas/Meg UST thing for no reason.
--SAMMY. Gnawing into your own arm to get at something you can use to paint a devil's trap! Soulless you is HARDCORE.
--"Mopheaded lumberjack." I think that might be my favourite alternate way of saying "Sam Winchester" yet. Possibly ever!
--Castiel, you burninating badass, you.
And that's all I've got for SPN. Tonight, my heart lies with SV. :)
Jesus Christ, Livejournal. Why would you schedule your maintenance to happen during evening hours in the first place? I mean, I know North America is not the centre of the universe, but it does contain a significant portion of your user base, and a lot of us want to be scrolling merrily through CW TV show reaction posts right now! *sulk*
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