// between comments indicates a new commenter. Anything in square brackets is editorial addition for clarity (or, if [?], editorial admission of being baffled by my own typo-illegible notes).
holy shit! // in the overflow room, at the "do you like girls or boys" lyric everyone laughed, a beautiful moment // fantastic opening, loved how narrative worked through verses and then once the music gets to the pulsing beat the visuals give you motion porn // kinetic visuals drove the narrative flow // song choice: seems obvious, but no one's done it, genius choice that you never would've thought of yourself // not the type of music we usually see associated with Captain America/Steve, vidder made it work // thematically, there's alienation in the music, music pulled out sense of alienation from the source // dual slash pov vid working so heavily on so many different levels // very clear pov shifts // anvil of showing face 3 times established pov clearly // Steve is precious
YAAAAAAAY YES! // at first, thought this was a Club Vivid vid vidder didn't finish in time, then 2 minutes in you get to the bridge and omg there's this deep backstory with a white guy and a red box and viewer must know more // if viewer wasn't already in[to the show], this would do it, it's everything Killjoys, motion and colour; focus on character, use of clips that don't have faces in them to drive the vid forward but ground you in the character // clear for non-fandom-familiar, great recruiter vid // this is the Killjoys vid viewer didn't realise they were waiting for, loved it, starts out like the show ooh shiny, you get halfway through and you're oh shit, makes it an effective recruiter vid, [recruits] the same way the show does // earwormed // vid told viewer what they needed to know without telling too much; the name "Dutch" was used the same as "Volunteer" was used in New Frontier // worked well from the other direction too, viewer wasn't sure if they was going to keep watching KJ, now they might [ETA: viewer clarified this after I made this post. Pls see comments on DW.]
*shuddery noises from the room* // loved how vid starts with all the various ways Jessica's running from something, her drinking and isolation and clips of her actually running etc, THEN we see what she's running from; "no pressure" lyric mirrors dry sarcasm and responsibility she feels; roach metaphor because Kilgrave just won't die // adore how [source of creepiness/Kilgrave] is not shown right away, there's overwhelming dread throughout the vid and if we'd seen him more, [his threat] wouldn't be as effective, he's scarier because we don't see him clearly, Jaws premise/technique // brought Kilgrave in on the whispered moments in the music, brought him in in that manner and in flashbacks long before he himself was a physical presence in the vid, really powerful hitting the horror of him building to the moments when we see the cops pointing guns at each other and people with nooses, we see the escalation of his pressure tactics; viewer wasn't able to finish watching the show, ending of the vid gave them a sense of catharsis // loved use of bridge to bring Kilgrave front and centre, this is a horror movie in a lot of ways, there's only so much suggestion the vidder can get away with, when we actually see the monster oh no reality is so much worse than the preceding suggestions // effective purple colour, and when Jessica appears in yellow dress, purple and yellow so striking against each other // vid crystallized themes of show that hadn't been clear before // masterclass in doing pretty much everything correctly // don't need to watch the show, vid is everything viewer needs to know presented so beautifully, always been curious about the show but couldn't actually watch it // only other thing you need to know is how gay Trish and Jessica are, we'll get to that later
not expecting to have narrative feelings about an action movie, really impressed with what it drew from the tone of the movie; loved how the music is odd as it goes through progressions, vid's cutting has all that motion bouncing off the progressions // cutting is amazing, really unusual song choice // tone of song and general chill pace of song vs frenetic visuals; vid clicked more in the bridge w/Furiosa back with the clan of women, that's when things came together; "easier to do it than to sit here and wait" is the thesis of the vid, that's what it builds to // song choice didn't work, real risk & stretch that never came together, visual movements were too frenetic for how the song flows, it was a good artistic attempt that just didn't work // opinions are divided, sometimes risks pay off, sometimes they don’t, in parts of vid song choice came together, in others not so much; problems with shift in POV; you can see what the vid is doing via repeated viewings, if you rewatch you'll get more out of it
awwwww! childhood feelings! // long time since viewer saw that movie, but oh so many feelings; loved that it was about girl and her relationship with nature, love story with boy stayed in the background, vid was about her finding herself at the end via relationship with nature, not the boy // never seen source, but narrative was so clear, beautifully clear, vidder made excellent choices // obvious that the vidder had to make this vid, it was a vid of the heart; when working with a metaphor, vids often start with the literal and go to symbolic later, here is the opposite, it starts with the fairy's powers/use of them = singing, ends with literal singing and dancing; viewer was crying over Ferngully in Premieres, that was unexpected // placement in show is interesting coming after post-apocalyptic vid, you've gotta learn from Fergully or you're gonna end up in Gastown // subliminal message the vidshow gave us
this vid is so strong and well put together viewer can't tell whether they're getting good parts version of bad show or improved version of already good show // watched it cold, not sure what's happening, viewer knows the book not the show, vid is lyrical and beautiful, viewer hates the book SO MUCH, can't even say it's the good parts, doesn't think [they exist], vidder panned for gold and found it // viewer hopes it isn't just a good parts version of bad show, it reminded them the show exists, they're gonna watch it, vidder will be responsible // vaguely heard of source, came out of vid NEEDING to see it, successful recruiter vid, vid makes viewer want to watch the show // solid introduction of characters, showing discovery of powers, easy to follow; metaphor of lyrics "breathing underwater"; "is this my life", viewer hopes it is, this vid is glorious! // no idea show existed, what is this, adult Harry Potter, Harry Potter after dark // show has so much potential, this vid gives you the show you have in your mind when you watch the show, it's worth watching the show for that uneven experience, but it'll make you appreciate the vid even more // lyrics of goose line [?] chills // a+ song choice, good use of clips
oh, poor Draco! // never cared about Draco until that vid hit the line "I am my father's son/his bed is made", viewer went OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! // vidder made viewer like Draco // really liked how vidder held off on using the images of Draco's actual father, good use of clips // liked how "father" referenced in song kept going from Lucius to Voldemort // timing and cutting incredibly powerful, music is punchy as in punch in the stomach, tied so strongly to the really bloody/violent visuals, felt like hammering the message home in a really good way, pounded into viewer how much horror Draco has had pounded into him // visual metaphors used, motifs, circle w/apple, circle w/quidditch, as you're going through vidder kept returning to motifs and combined with intense emphasis of music gave you the one-two combo throughout; good use of clips // end of vid shows images of things with wings and things running, things that can leave but Draco can't because he can't escape his own life // evolution of bully to victim, realise it was evolution from victim to bully to victim // excellent character vid for Draco, also worked as a sneaky Harry/Draco vid, second section where Harry is the you to Draco's I // title tells us that [this is vid is focused on Draco AND Harry], only thing confusing is that vid opens with a shot of Harry, then goes to Draco, once the lyrics kicked in it made sense // completely forget that Harry's in the vid, so focused on Draco, when Harry comes in you can compare/contrast and realise that Harry's just as much of a victim but he's had other options and people who aren't actively contributing to his victimhood whereas Draco's never had other options and everything is terrible // we all have Draco feelings now // felt like a mature vid ie fandom has reached a certain level of maturity post book 7, vid uses very grown-up ideas of Draco, very strong in using footage from later movies
VID IS SO GOOD!, so full of feels, "I'm gonna be free I'm gonna be fine but maybe not tonight"; episodic vid, vidder sells it so well; such a smart vid, you don't know what's real just as Shaw doesn't know what's real // semi-recruiter vid, viewer rage quit in s3, people keep trying to talk them back into it, maybe this vid did the job // know characters, know story, wasn't sure what was going on, simulation screen made whole vid click, want to rewatch for full understanding, but did get the impression of different scenarios, trying again, want to rewatch to know how it all works // short vids get in and say what they need to say and leave you wanting more, always better than overstaying welcome // sensuality of vid was amazing, viewer also ragequit show earlier, but the vid's characters are viscerally presented, intense passion in the relationship really wonderful // music brought a lot of that into it, violent staggering visuals, whole picture of what's she's dealing with // nothing wasted, can't believe it's an episodic vid, good clip use
GAY!! // not familiar with fandom, but relationship is clearly established and tension remained throughout, very clear vid // read books can't deal with show due to differences from books, vid was beautifully edited, showed that things in the book are indeed in the show, got viewer to want to watch the show // problem in that on the "get closer" lyrics there were so many shots zooming in on the characters, viewer got the metaphor but also got dizzy, not sure if effect was in canon or done by the vidder, but wished it had been toned down // wanted more sense of world they were in, viewer's not source familiar and got the relationship between the two characters but there was so much of their faces and them looking at each other and no sense of the world around them // viewer loved the zooms, they pull you in and in, especially liked one shot slanted to the side [that gave the sense of] kind of tipping them together, not seen much of that, angling, gravity // very "now kiss!"
really different Miracles vid from what we're used to, lots of clips not normally seen, while weaving in the text ["God is nowhere/now here"] we often do see // made viewer sooo happy, need to watch a bunch more times, viewer's not sure if their reading is darker than the vidder's intent, undercurrent of will you still love me after I turn evil // looks like a 90s show // "God is nowhere" clips, did vidder selectively crop what could be seen? // pretty apparent what's missing in this vid vs what's present in others // good use of text
awwwwwww // my fave has problems but I still love my fave // love my problematic fave // super cute and happy, aw this is my fandom, then the headlines hit and OW, omg, such a beautifully done gutpunch // trying to read headlines, some flashed too fast and too translucent [but their impact is] oh why do you hurt me so // fact of them coming so fast was effective, yeah my team/you gotta stop being dicks // viewer's main fandom is sports and this vidder understands them and their sports feelings, esp at the end w/use of small children in the gear for the team, YES THAT THING that's what it's like you're brainwashed into it and then you become an adult // kinda like being in the church // 3 layers: 1) happy soccer feels, 2) problematic but I still love them, 3) ending with kids = oh you really can't help falling in love because you're indoctrinated into it as a child; vid went to a really serious place // movement [visual movement in vid? sorry, my transcription failed me here] supported by movement from single voice to chorus of voices, that's what we love about fandoms it's the community, what you love and what you get power and pleasure from comes from connection with other people, and then your source betrays you // vid is only two minutes, song is longer vidder cut it down and was still able to say what she wanted to say // under the headlines you're also seeing the violence on the field, the clues were there, you should've known, need to acknowledge the truth in front of us // wanted the second layer of headlines to last longer, wanted clips of fans looking upset before switching back to fans being happy and in love // good use of soccer fields
funniest vid about child death ever // brought back all the Walter feels, life is so fucked up past and present; really liked it, liked the amber with the "stop stop" lyrics // giant Fringe fan, vid killed viewer dead in the best way, forgot about this song but it fit perfectly, laughing and screaming inside because of the context of what happens in 1985 is so horrific // "she" in lyrics was problematic, viewer spent first part of vid getting over it, would've helped to have shot of Walter wearing an apron as that's him looking very feminine, if vidder had set that on the first "she" line it would've established him as feminine and jumped viewer over that hurdle, everything else fit, just needed a little help with that one thing // really disagree, had no problem with that, sold instantly; vid with multiple layers, not a progression but happening simultaneously but also ramping up as vid went on, bouncy song w/funny shots of kids facepalming and eyerolling, but the stakes get higher throughout and the shot at the end reminds about the specificity of the date // effective use of tombstone // also had hard time figuring out song was about Walter, clearly song was signalling funny, viewer didn't think they needed clip of apron but as w/Spaceboy, needed 3 clips of just Walter to establish, didn't mind not figuring it out at the beginning, got it fairly quickly and found it endlessly hilarious // appreciated that vidder kept in clip of marquee w/Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future // thought at first vid was about the cow, didn't seem like a useful confusion to start with // vid played more successfully in the room than watching alone at home, paid more attention to connections in lyrics/visual matching, got to the end and thought wait was I supposed to be learning more about Walter's preoccupation with the past and his obsession, don't lock yourself into certain framework, give yourself leeway to explore // some lyric/visual matches didn't change through the vid [Springsteen, Madonna, etc], on some levels that works on others it would've been good to see changes
LAUGHTER // I would love this even if it hadn't been made for me; half the fun of the game is the things that go wrong intentionally, and then there are the glitches, vid has amazing use of things that go wrong both on purpose and not so much, love it // first looking at playlist, zeroed in on this vid, high expectations, this exceeded expectations, beautiful encapsulation of hilarity and frustration of playing the game // general comment: ecstatic that someone has introduced people to the delight of video game glitches; specifically, really impressed with vid structure, would've been easy to just throw together some funny clips but vidder structured things // placement in the show was great, [with all the weird body distortions etc] viewer felt like they were still watching Fringe // had I come across this at home I might've watched the first few seconds and been done, but because it was here and the room was swept up in it it was a highlight, works as a con vid but might not as a living room vid // favourite parts when there's a still shot of a face going D: // really fun to watch in this setting, perfect song choice, bouncy nature carried along; "our house in the middle of the street" = things being glitchily out of place // love how the Sims themselves are in on the horror, they can't escape the horror of their own life // thank you for giving me eldritch horror Sims
Amanda didn't want to fight and so she stopped, vid said what it needed to and moved on // never watched the show, saw how character just kept fighting, really felt her getting weary by the end, really works // interesting nature of who she is means she HAS to fight if she wants to keep living, quickening at the end was moving // prob a good parts version of the show, but made viewer want to see her fighting and fighting // yay Amanda
really really want to take masterclass on how to do that in 1 minute, best minute of my life // really happy [about the clip of the vid played at Vid Review, which was the very end of the vid], end of vid thank you let's hang him from a rope many rope much rope put thorns in the rope; vid hurt and hurt and still hurt when it stopped hurting, but it's SATISFYING // amazingly effective // not source familiar but when music kicked in viewer knew reckoning shit was coming, grabbed from get-go more than any other, effective 60 seconds // powerful because it's short, clear straight line through to end; loved the angle of the last clip, focus on Ernestine, the way she's moving is the way she moves through the house, additional kind of command, choice of that clip and angle was amazing // who hasn't seen show and viewer when it kicked off but then oh okay, oh alright, not gonna stop, became a very different vid than thought it was going to be // beautiful use of visual metaphor, she moves with grace throughout, quick cuts graceful // vidder knows which moments to use, knows exactly which four frames, no second to spare // felt like Ernestine WASN'T satisfied, when she's doing the pulley to pull up the chandelier, that's her job, she's not satisfied, and when she hangs him that's her job, she's not satisfied, she had to do it // re: previous comment: whoa
needs moar dragon // love this game, this is awesome, all the storyline, if you don't know the source maybe you don't notice but she presents three characters and intercuts using same movement and same moment but different characters, loved this // favourite part is in the bridge upside down to demigorgon [transcriptionist is not source familiar, unsure if that's what was said?] // adored Kendrick Lamarr bit, made the vid, depending on who you are and where you are it could be different // doesn't just show you three characters, shows a slew of alternate choices, many key choices in the game, really brought you through all of them; felt like song was great for Inquisitor, loved that female elf Inquisitor was chosen, lots of advertising shows male human, character choice in vid was dramatically better // song choice: know nothing about source, shouldn't be afraid to vid song other people have already done, I know this song almost entirely from vids but I KNOW IT, familiarity with song carried me through less familiar video game source // emotions from beginning to end, easy to connect with
in the previous vid [Aphrodisiac] Rey is a Skywalker but in this vid, no she's a Kenobi // thank you vidder for suffering through rewatch of prequels // liked the song at the start of the vid, riveted throughout, can sometimes get lost watching vids, attention wanders if narrative isn't totally there, this vid had viewer the whole time, not even listening to lyrics, feels like part of the action, very natural how it all came together/made parallels // patience at the beginning pays off once you get going // Obi Wan omg, I enjoy him, whatever, then UGH YOU POOR BASTARD // look at your life and choices // heart ripped out // SW is viewer's main fandom, not a fan of the Rey Kenobi theory but loved this vid, felt so many emotions // vid is an effective argument for that theory // at best indifferent to prequels, but this vid made viewer feel profound sadness and tragedy in Kenobi, oh I've actually ruined the entire universe with this kid, helped viewer get something emotionally satisfying out of the prequels // don't care about Rey's relations/family, she's a great character, but viewer's a sucker for the parallels, Force Awakens is just a retelling of New Hope, lots of thematic parallels, themes and parallels that are the core of SW, universal story redone in a new way, vid was parallels after parallels, reminded viewer why they love it, it's a plot that's been done millions of times before done really well // two SW vids in a row, they couldn't have been more different, same universe, different vids
gay. // such an effective narrative vid, viewer knows [some of] White Collar, wait did Bomer's character die, if so vidder fixed it // in the overflow room the entire room breathed a huge sigh of relief THANK GOD ELIZABETH'S IN THIS VID can't ship the slash pairing without her, she's not focused on but it's obvious how important she is in the dudes' lives // viewer loved this because it dealt with the end of the show in a way they like, don't like how the show ended, thought the vid dealt with it in a not-downer way // great song choice, he was free // not a downer way? this was RUDE, headcanoned ot3 ending everything was fine, vid didn't go that way; if you want a happy ending that depends on where you stop the story, thought it was charming and effective // some people aren't ready for that serious of a relationship, takes Peter time to get there // good, vidder's gonna fix the end! oh but Neal's still running away // if you love something…set it free! // subjectively that's not the ending viewer wants, but the vid took them along on the ride // viewer liked it because they could handle Peter and Neal being apart more than viewer could handle Peter being okay with them being apart, and in this vid Peter wasn't okay with it // felt like it wasn't necessarily that Peter had to go after Neal, Neal's still out there, but rather Peter's saying no you're not just gonna walk away from us, it's just the end for now, the happy ending will come later when Peter finds him and drags him back and ot3s this shit // didn't feel like a twist from the [canon] end, but like the vid argued from the beginning that this was the only good end for these characters' relationship
yay! // first minute doubted, it was all [source from] someone else's childhood then it got to viewer's and yay! // don't know most sources, sense of wonder and visuals used to convey them, didn't need to know sources to get that feeling, and progression through vid kept ramping it up; lyric "if it's in my head its real enough", if we were bookish kids we get that, more real than reality, captured visually // parallels, match on action, all these kids looking up at sky, gives universal feeling of I am all of those people we all have imagination // yay! // visceral reaction to vid, this is what it was like as a kid // nerdy kids grew up and here we go
slashing dudes then there are crowns and mummies // that section's where viewer got interested, wished vid had spent more time on that [crowns and mummies end section], viewer got the relationship, got the characters' connection, didn't get the plot // conversations back and forth, intrigued want to know more // viewer was confused, thought vid could've tied vid to Raven Cycle more closely and earlier // very glad vidder put title card at end of vid to tell viewer what was going on, viewer wants less mystery, title cards rock // spent a lot of time at beginning wondering if this was rpf fandom, wanted to be into it but didn't know who the characters were, maybe if all the symbolic stuff was at the beginning viewer would know earlier what the vid was about [/have an easier time finding something in the vid to grasp onto] // fannish context would've meant getting a lot more out of the vid // very atmospheric // interesting to see all these vids made without source // external source used to construct this vid, great that there was so much to use, you could see faces and emotions, gift to people who fancast this fandom
wanted this to be called this is my vid, watched at home without blurb or source and thought, vidder needs to find new source, got to the end and realised, oh that was the point // this is literally my hand // understood quickly what was going on because vidder id tag was in the corner, but kept changing in style, over time vidder has used different tags, that helped viewer figure out what vid was about // rewatch vid knowing what it's about, it helps // song choice: who is the "my", at a certain point realised the "my" is the vidder, loved that the reveal was saved for the end // context matters and can change understanding of vid, hadn't read the blurb, was interesting to slowly figure out, but viewer would’ve reacted really differently if they'd had more info earlier, it wasn't bad to see it this way, but viewer's curious how people will react to vid with the self-portrait blurb front and centre // song choice gives the structure needed, literally builds the vid; start out knowing characters and getting common feeling, can't understand the parallels, slightly later it's a love letter to fandom which ties it all together // brave vid as an admission that when we look to fandom we're really looking within at ourselves // thank you for trusting us
song choice really interesting, explicit reference to Jackie O and Kennedys, very familiar with House of Yes, song helped ground people in the unreality // such a unique vid, viewer really connected to it, loved flashing between character looking in mirror & being in public and smiling, so creepy // thank you for vidding this amazing source, loved that you could tell there was something very very wrong even if you didn't get the canon incest // this vid made viewer reevaluate the movie, that's some Tennessee Williams shit, vid draws out most disturbing aspects, if source was a play the vid would be a different staging of it, unexpectedly amazing // not familiar with movie, viewer feels like they need to see it; was waiting for stronger visuals and escalation toward the end, maybe there was more source context there [maybe source-familiar viewers got more punch from the end via their knowledge of context], some limitation in the staticness of the source but vidder did the best job they could with it
effective use of masturbation // wish this vid could've been in Keys to Kingdom vidshow; you have a watchers culture with the show, Rachel watches everyone including herself, we are watching her watch them, she can't take her eyes off the screen, she's told she can't watch them but she does anyway, we're fascinated by her fascination with them, we have to reevaluate ourselves, when all you do is watch people, who are you? // meta-level of what it's like to be a fan or a vidder, choosing what to watch and take in, switching between feeds // intrigued about this show now, felt really bad for that girl from Roswell
*laughing* // Lex don't play no games and really wants to get Clark pregnant // thank you! I'm so happy! // suggested that this vid was sequel to Catbaby // no, prequel! // utterly delightful, before we even got to Kon viewer hoped it would be a Kon vid, then it went there and it was perfect // should've been primed for this, effective use of batshittery that happens in comics, brought viewer joy // okay so we're only going with comics canon and there aren't going to be kittens // thankful that there was Young Justice stuff, it's gonna be Conner, IIIIIIT'S CONNER! // beautiful job of making the fantastical plausible in such a beautiful way // "as you were saying that, I thought about the clip of Lex reaching into Clark's symbolic butthole, that's truly art"
just the tribute, guys, not the song // vid worked alarmingly well for about the first 2/3rds, viewer was laughing so hard they had trouble breathing, then the joke went on too long, since Eurovision is so batshit, vid starts at a level where there's not much farther up you can go, viewer enjoyed it but thought it went on too long // disagree, could've watched ten more minutes of it, having so much fun // wanted it to grow a little bit, thought vidder could've made use of naked wolf moon [?] part, there was even more over the top in source that could've gone into vid // reaching the top and then just chucking stuff down on the roof endlessly, that's Eurovision; the song is funny enough that the humour lasted, rolling out all the details of Eurovision's batshittery // it's the most important song in the world!!! // song didn't work at first, but THIS ISN'T THE SONG IT'S THE TRIBUTE TO THE SONG and oh okay that worked // it's amazing what was left out, and yet there was all of THIS that was IN // slightly distracted 3/4 of the way in, it did go long, then wondered if this was just from one year (audience: yes, just 2016), is this just the craziness from this year? fantastic
aware of mashup, room went nuts at Slipknot, funny vid, never stops, keeps building, at no point does it get complacent // Slipknot's the voice of older Voldemort, Ludacris is younger V, Bieber is Harry // viewer kinda felt bad for the deatheaters in the chorus, "rain will kill us all"; exploring V's soul through the horcruxes; vidder made a serious vid to a Bieber song // Bieber was barely in it // serious vid??? // it's a serious character study [viewer deadpans]
different kind of vid than is usually in Premieres, used the song as background, let audio from the film be the major player, vid was based more on the film than the song which is a different experience for this [Vividcon's]audience // technical note: vocal clips should've been put through some kind of cleaning to isolate vocals, there was too much background noise of the movie itself in there; at the same time, audio from movie has sold viewer on watching Spy // next year there should be a panel on cleaning audio to use in vids // viewer enjoyed vid specifically because they loved the movie, vid let humour of movie really shine on its own merit, felt like seeing best-of clips from movie // really worried it was going to be oh look the big chick can't be a spy, but it took time to establish her as competent and good, viewer wants to see more movies about hypercompetent women being awesome
vid could've used another pass, narrative wasn't entirely clear, editing was sluggish in places, viewer didn't get the impression of the narrative they think they were supposed to, wasn't clear on flashback vs now, couldn't tell for sure if Oscar Isaac was a zombie // hard to decontextualize the Drive clips which were integral to the framework of the vid // unfamiliar with all of source, only knew actual source did not have zombies, "constructed reality" in blurb let viewer take vid as it came, thought it was a strong narrative but maybe because they didn't actually know what was going on // vidder added glowy eyes and woman's zombie-face in passing truck, really good use of effects // sometimes viewer want to make a vid, then they write the story instead so they don't have to spend all that time with effects // impressed by lengths vidder went to construct the vid's reality
viewer didn't know they had Scooby Doo feelings until now // actual tears when Shaggy thinks Scooby is dead // never knew they needed the Scooby Doo vid of their heart, now they know they have feelings, love this vid so much // emotional vid because now they get to share these shows they watched with their baby
gay. // *hearts and hearts* and Patsy will save you! // in case you didn't know, Jessica and Trish are super gay for each other, there's a compelling argument for what the vid is saying [re: Jessica/Trish relationship] in the source, put that song on top of it, and yes, she will defend you with her life; here are the two things you need to know about this show (Hey No Pressure and this vid); see Jessica & Trish's history and love // favourite part of superhero shows is the normal people who are in the lives of the superpeople, [they tend to respond to their friend's heightened realities with] I'm so far out of my depth I'm just gonna do whatever you need me to do, big or small // many times the show undermines what Trish does, every time she tries to help it backfires, this vid shapes those times to show how her agency and efforts matter // reminded of the Xena vid These Two Arms, same vidder made this vid ten years later, the two vids are great bookends
[Vid Review clip ends on gutpunch final shot, audience: OHHHHHHHHH] // Leia's story keeps getting interrupted, she has no home in so many different ways // did your heart explode cause mine did // "Did it explode like Alderaan?" Audience: *betrayed sounds* // vid is so relentless, cut really fast, uses your familiarity with the source and your feelings, last clip just holds, it's how we feel // Han died a lot last night, like Buffy off the tower all over again // didn't make it less effective; Leia's basically wearing Han's outfit from the original trilogy at the end // recommend many repeat watchings, so much to get on repeat // relevant to viewer's interests, all hail the Huttslayer // loved that it changed the way we looked at the clips from the original trilogy, when original trilogy came out yes Leia had lost her home and everything but there was a sense she would find something else…and then in Force Awakens that thing she could've had is dashed, and old clips get a new melancholic feel to them // like us looking back on our lives: I used to have so much promise, now my company's falling apart, my husband's left, and now he's dead // as viewer got more drawn into the vid they got more afraid of the Slave Leia outfit, vidder managed to have Huttslayer while minimizing the bikini // very empowered stuff when she was in that costume // also really effective with Luke and Leia feels, twins are the core of viewer's heart, and not only has Han been killed, Luke's gone off to be a loner Jedi leaving his sister behind // she's the light that never goes out
yaaaaay! // everything that can go wrong will, but it's okay! // sense of hope back after previous vid // this is the vid that made viewer cry, making them cry again right now just thinking about it; line at the beginning "left to my own devices" = that's a little on point, but then no, "it almost feels like nothing's changed at all" and he's relying on his science and his training and he has this resource that keeps him together and keeps him going, symbolically he's got his crewmates that haven't changed in that he's living off their stuff and everything they'd prepared, and then he has them saving his ass IN SPACE, thank you very much viewer will resume their tears // in the best possible way, when the song started viewer knew exactly what vid they was going to see, vid was everything they wanted, this was uplifting the entire way through, beautiful movie and song // song choice really amazing, song has been vidded before and this is why sometimes previously-vidded songs should be vidded again; it's a hard song to vid because the sound is upbeat but the lyrics not so much, perfect for this movie where horrible things are happening but science will save you // secretly was hoping it would be the live recording version of song with "how am I gonna be an octopus about this", but it still fit, character's personality is that he deals by cracking jokes // wanted at the end for there to have been a bit more time spent on the celebration of coming home, it felt very quick, wanted it to breathe more, but buildup was solid // reaction to that: if they'd continued with the coming home, you'd have that image with "feel like nothing changed at all" lyric, song might have suggested home/Earth wasn't different from Mars isolation // optimistic note ending the Premieres show after the tragic Leia vid
always a sucker for parallels, within Star Wars there are so many and they can be interpreted in many different ways, this is a best example of taking parallels and connecting stuff, both the obvious Rey = Luke stuff and some less obvious stuff the vid opened viewer's eyes to, done well // distills fight from Kylo trying to fight for Skywalker legacy, he's fighting for twisted poisoned broken parts of it, hurting lots of people for something he doesn't realise isn't worth what he's putting into it, destroying everything yet he should know better, Anakin threw it away because it wasn't worth it but Kylo's entitled/privileged he wants power etc and doesn't see that he's digging his own grave // he is a trash son // didn't notice until second viewing wonderful transition of him wanting an object/power, but that isn't his whole motivation, he wants a connection to his past/legacy; lightsabres are dicks; "you make me whole" was at first lightsabre but then is actually about connection // so much going on with relationships and parallels, reminded of Girl with Dragon Tattoo vid by hollywoodgirl, relationships as works of art; look at original movies and prequels then look at new movie and how they're edited how emotions are conveyed, vid makes it clear how much of a tradition new movie is part of [ETA: viewer clarified this after I made this post. Pls see comments on DW.] // all characters are reaching for the force and use of the force, the energy/glow that they get from using the force and connecting with it and by extension all the other people they're connecting to/other force users, this was love story/sex story/connection story btwn our Jedi of various generations & the force itself // line isn't "you can make me whole", dysfunction on display is bc the line is "ONLY you can make me whole", fanatics are such deep romantics y'know? but that's awful, in fiction and on screen it looks so cool but in rl it's not cool at all, get some balance in that force // giant SW fan, always bothered by canon bc the force doesn't make clear sense, literally galactic-scale conflicts are brought down to an individual fight btwn two people with swords, that makes no actual sense, only makes sense if you accept the force is doing something on a larger level and these people are representative of implications for larger battleground, otherwise why care?, this vid lashed into/locked into that headcanon abt the series; viewer specifically loved so many scenes of both light and dark force users in moments of rage, Luke pounding furiously on Vader, Rey's furious angry expressions, even the light-side Jedi seem to have the same deep obsessive connection, we know from canon the Jedi aren't supposed to have romantic relationships their connection to the force is supposed to replace that, "only you can make me whole" seems to be true in a literal sense in this universe, the vid brings that out // intense obsession can easily turn the other way at any moment, that's driven home by the vid showing all characters on both sides, Luke in the robe with Rey approaching, he knows you can go over the top // felt to me like Pat Conroy-esque family narratives, "only you can make me whole" every repeat you see pieces of characters being lost, compulsion to interact with and use something that damages you and your family in significant ways, makes viewer think you could score the same story to Mr Brownstone, keeps knocking won't leave you alone, Luke's on an island in rehab and Rey comes to him with the lightsabre all dude just one hit // different interpretations that can be had with the force, as presented the dark side/light side split doesn't seem to hold up, it's so easy to slip to the other side or be pushed, idea of the force being representative of people's choices rather than some kind of absolute state, vid did a good job showing that the sides of the force are not wholly distinct, you can't just pull from the light side, the dark side's there and [the importance is in] how you use it and what you choose to do, when Rey's so pissed at Kylo vid showed how close the two sides of the force really are, how easy it is to fall into the middle // can't have a light side without a dark side, in fight scene Rey and Kylo, she's strongest when she hears the dark side calling and she fights against it, in order for her to win she had to choose to pull from the light instead of the dark // reminds viewer of Green Lantern canon, instead of being unable to feel fear you have to be able to overcome great fear; vid gives great sense that the extremism is killing everyone, maybe there's an idea in the vid that we'll find a gray side in this trilogy // seductive idea that there's a simple solution, but it's not that way in any universe // vid says "only you can make me whole", characters think they're talking about the force but they all have access to it so that's not what the yearning is about, they use the force throughout but the yearning is just as strong as it always was // sense that while the characters are referring to the force as "you", throughout they're fighting each other and looking past each other to focus on the force while there's a connection they could be making [with each other] right in front of them, Kylo has a family right there and he could have connected there but instead he left the family to try to pursue the power/force whichever side he chose, vid shows people looking past other characters to look at the force instead // in the end the blue lightsabre isn't the one Kylo uses to kill his father it's the unstable one he made himself // people are all people and have families, but Anakin was a virgin birth, force Jesus, the force wills these people into being so yes they have human form but how human are they? some want to be more human than others, some understand how to be more human than others, but at an elemental level they're something else and that's why they struggle to live and connect in the world, eternal conflict all the time btwn Jedi and Sith
beginning clear 3-pov setup; colour denoting past; in the transition btwn Whitney's section and Dottie's section, we first meet Dottie in a box, shows Dottie as robotic, ways she's been made into automaton, both women have been programmed; also framed Dottie in a mannish way, legs apart, trousers, different sort of person/presentation than Whitney's femininity & monstrousness (audience: ehhhhhhh Whitney's "monstrousness" is complicated), there's something feminine about monsters that absorb and consume, compared to Dottie's more masculine straightforward violence; then after Dottie kills someone adult Peggy comes in, kid!Peggy had Price Valiant haircut, as an adult she's transformed into something more palatably womanly; through other ladies the "you" in lyrics is men, then the "you" is Peggy; Dottie as mirror version of Peggy; Whitney as Hedy Lamarr, constraints clear about being beautiful and successful in a palatable manner for women, great shot of resentful child who wants to fix radio/kill mother for trying to stop her, she doesn't yet have the power to do anything; de-powering shot going to Peggy as complicit in all things that have happened to these women; Peggy being manhandled as child, by fiancé, etc = how she's similar to the others, but then she gets to make a choice and leave engagement ring behind, transition btwn Peggy being like them to Peggy becoming part of the system made explicit with Hydra overlay; Dottie shares food with a jr Widow who she then kills, she could've been a person but that's not convenient when you're trying to make a weapon/monster; Peggy can exercise her options and what she becomes is part of the problem // this vid didn't fully work because viewer got connection btwn Whitney and Dottie but didn't get where Peggy fit in, above interpretation makes sense but it didn't feel clearly done in the vid // 3 women have different ways of reconciling femininity and how they use gender/femininity to operate in man's world, Dottie's ruthless but her persona is cute innocent oh gee gosh, Whitney uses (frustratingly for her) her sexuality and demure femininity, Peggy has a hard femme angle and dives into the men's world, where Dottie's scornful of it and Whitney uses it and manipulates men, Peggy dives in headfirst; consequence of Peggy's choice is she's contributing to circumstances that have forced the other women into bad things // vid mostly shows men who are forcing women into their roles but there's also at least one woman applying pressure too: Whitney & Peggy's moms and Dottie's trainer, leads to the end where they're all part of/trapped in the system, Peggy thinks she's doing something new but she's trapped too, "I know my own value" seems like an empowering thing but if your power is hidden behind the male frontmen it's not empowering to anyone else, shows that women can't connect, they keep fighting each other rather than helping each other find ways out // male villains existed in the show but the show at its core has a female protagonist and each season has a female villain, lady villains are rarer than lady protags in TV shows these days, loved that there were all these women with complicated personalities and backstories, vid starts with Whitney who becomes more villainous as things progress vs Dottie who's been trained into it, then you get to Peggy and realise oh she's tied into the female villains as well // idea of Peggy as villain of her own story, she's the penultimate villain of her world and she doesn't know it, all bc of the system they're trapped in; "I am someone's daughter" = all of them indoctrinated into the position they fall into, recognising the person behind that, not only are they villains, they all have reasons, they're not two dimensional, this vid illustrated that beautifully // struggling with talking about this vid, the older women are patriarchal enforcers who trained Whitney/Peggy/Dottie into their roles (reminds of Handmaid's Tale); shows these women who are main characters, men are either sidekicks or obstacles, not villains but annoyances the women have to work around; vid left viewer feeling sad for these women who have so much in common but no route to solidarity with each other, how different their lives would be if they had other women on their level they could connect with rather than be at odds with, Dottie and Peggy are matches for each other, both satisfying and sad thing about the show that they're on opposite sides, vid crystallises that through the 3-part structure that carefully lays out these parallels // structure of vid reminds of There's No Way Out of Here vid, all women are trapped in patriarchy, if there are no healthy routes to power you'll take whatever's available instead // "to pull myself out" very powerful, as if women were disavowing themselves, trying to pull the toxic system out of themselves but it's very isolated, they can only save themselves, but they actually can't
1) Vid Review is the only time I ever write ~8000 words in three hours.
2) Words I am not good at typing quickly: parallels, feminine, part. o.O
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