Title: Depression (Part 7/10 of Getting There)
sesheta_66 Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 430
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenge: Part 7 of 10 for
10_themes challenge
Warnings: No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary: Harry gives Draco a way out.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
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Draco hadn't told Harry about what Ginny had said, not wanting to cause a rift between Harry and his adoptive family. But every time something went wrong with the wedding arrangements, he asked Harry who had known about them, in case he had told anyone. So far, it seemed that Ginny hadn't followed through with her threats, but Draco wasn't letting his guard down.
The stress of everything was getting to him, and Harry had started commenting on it. "What's wrong, Draco? You seem so on edge lately."
"It's just the wedding."
Harry looked crushed. "Oh."
"There's so much to plan, so many arrangements to make … " He felt himself drift off into thoughts of Ginny again, and started wondering if maybe she was right. Not that Harry belonged with her. Just that perhaps Draco didn't deserve him.
Harry's words brought him out of his thoughts. "Did you want to cancel it?" he asked.
"Is that what you want?" Draco asked, his fears coming true.
"Well … " Harry said, seemingly at a loss for words.
Not wanting to drag out the inevitable, and not really wanting to hear Harry say that he wanted to cancel it, Draco made the decision. "Fine. We'll cancel the whole thing on Monday."
That had been on Friday. It was now Sunday, and Draco had progressed from frustration to depression over the course of the weekend. Not able to eat or sleep, he had resorted to brooding. He went over the conversation repeatedly in his mind, and came to the conclusion that Harry must have been looking for a way out of this all along. Why else would he have suggested cancelling the wedding? And then he hadn't put up any argument when Draco had said he would cancel on Monday.
Clearly Harry had made a rash decision when he had proposed, caught up in the fact that they had made it to their one-year anniversary, and rushing headlong into action without thinking, as he often did. Now that he had had months to think about just what that meant - the permanence of it all - he needed a way out. But always the Gryffindor, he couldn't bring himself to come right out and say that, so he latched onto the opportunity when it presented itself. That had to be it.
And now Harry was out with Ron, no doubt celebrating his new-found freedom. Draco decided to go to sleep early, not wanting to dwell on what tomorrow would bring, what would happen to their relationship once the wedding was cancelled.
Part 8 - Anger