It's been a year and a half, since the second chapter, but we finally get the third chapter of Akito the Exiled. Despite the wait, it was definitely a fun chapter.
We start off the episode, with Lelou-er, Julius being a fabulously arrogant ass toward the Euro-Britannian Dukes. He has the Imperial Scepter, so he's allowed to get away with saying and/or doing anything. (Heh. This is gonna be fun.)
Then, we back to the Wyvern crew. Klaus is fishing and drinking, while Anna's failing at getting Elizabeth, Leila's cat, to eat her food. Apparently, Eliza doesn't like her, very much. Anna's depressed and sees a picture of her and Leila, as children. Yep. That girl's sooooooo totally gonna have a tragic death scene, in one of the future chapters.
Meanwhile, Leila's team is stuck in the middle of nowhere, getting harassed by the EU soldiers. Elsewhere, Anou, the loser that Leila took over for, is stuck being a paper-pusher at a command center, in Warsaw. Going from being some top commander, to a mere office man...heh. Orange. Anyway, he decides to screw with the team's IDs, as a way of getting revenge on Leila. So, they're really stuck, now!
While the team is having a pity party, an old lady approaches Akito, talking about how he's had a horrible curse placed upon him. (The Geass that was cast by Shin.) Akito pushes her away, and she starts making a giant fuss. Her fellow old ladies come to help her, in a very over-the-top comedic fashion. Of course they're just playing up the scenario, in order to get money from the kids, but they're totally broke. So, the old ladies decide to take in the kids, to be their slaves! XD
And thus, wacky gypsy hijinks ensue! Leila and Ayano both get more fanservice dues in, but Ryou gets a really funny running gag. One of the old gypsy ladies seriously enjoys feeling up his ass. Yukiya ends up getting dressed up in a girl's outfit, because they thought it looked cute on him.
We also see some huge differences in how Leila and the terrorist brats live. As much as I dislike Ryou, Yukiya, and Ayano, I will admit that they're more adept at common domestic practices. You can totally tell that Leila probably never had to do anything on her own, before. Sure, she's a bright commander, who can take care of herself to an extent, but she sucks at doing common housework.
I know that people have been harping on this part, of the episode, but I actually like it, a lot. For the past two chapters, we haven't actually seen Leila's troop acting like people. So, while I also liked the humor that it gave, I'm kinda glad that it humanized the Wyvern Troop, a bit. I mean, I'm still not going to feel too terribly sad, when the kids end up dying, but it's nice to see that they're not total assholes, all the time.
We also get a little more insight on Leila and Akito's pasts. Leila's father was assassinated, during a political rally, and her mother was killed in a car accident. After running away from the scene, Leila falls into a frozen river. And then, everyone's favorite pizza-loving witch saves her, by bestowing the power of Geass upon Leila. C.C. further instructed Leila to wait until she's older to use it. (Learned something from Mao, C.C.?) The elder of the gypsies said that Leila's destined to use her power, to save the one she loves. So, obviously, she's going to use it, in order to save Akito, later on.
Yukiya managed to restore the team's ID data, while pulling the same thing that Anou used on them. So, Orange 2.0's locked out of the system, now, too. And yet, why do I get the feeling that he's going to cause more problems, because of this?
So, with that problem solved, it's time for the kids to get back to base! The gypsies throw a going away party, but Akito decides to be a kill-joy, and runs off. Leila chases after him, and he starts confiding his issues to her. His family was having a good time, then, suddenly, they all dropped dead. It almost looked like a group suicide. Akito, also died, but, for some reason, he came back to life. After that, Shin placed his curse upon Akito. Leila hugs him, and tells him that she's glad that he survived, and that she wants to know the real him. Then, they have a shippy dance scene together.
Also, I don't think I need to say this, but the entire team's got a ton of death flags. Ayano especially, after she has a scene with Akito. They talk about how they were all born in Europe, and Ayano wants everyone to go to Japan, when everything is over with. This wish gets repeated, after they leave the gypsies and go back to their base. So, yeah. I'll be surprised if any of them survive, at this rate.
Then, we get to the more interesting part of the episode!
But first, I should probably mention that Anna, Chloe, and Hilda upgraded the Wyvern Unit's Knightmares. I got some amusement out of Yukiya pointing out how they used the team's battle data, for the upgraded programs. I mean, come on, kid! How else are you going to get ideas to implement, in order to make your Frames better than before? XD After all, it's what all the pros do! ;) Heck, my favorite professional is currently whoring himself out, doing the exact same thing! (Lloyd and Cecile were left behind, in order to focus on mass producing Knightmare Frames, for the military.)
So, anyway, Julius calls all the big-wigs over, for a little social media trolling scheme! He throws the EU into chaos, by fooling the population into believing that he's the head of a terrorist organization (lol), and they're aiming to destroy the corrupt EU government. In other words, he just started the French Revolution. Of course, this is all done in his usual over-the-top fashion. -sigh- You just can't have Lelouch around, and have him not being an over-the-top and fabulous son of a bitch! XD
Julius also arrests the Duke Velaines for rebellious intentions (Once again, lol.), which greatly upsets Zarlish. His name is actually Godfroy, or something like that, but he looks and sounds like Zarlish Tytania. So, I'm referring to him, as such. Unfortunately, he ends up getting a Spinning Kururugi Kick, for his troubles.
Leila's creepy fiancee/step-brother calls her, and tips her off that the whole terrorist thing was a ruse. The power plant that Julius had destroyed, in his video, was still standing. This whole thing was just an excuse, so Britannia could invade. He wasn't very likable, at first, but this scene did kinda make me like Ioan, a bit. He actually does care for Leila, and he wanted her to come back home, so she could be safe. However, she refused and wanted to chase her own kind of freedom. (Well, add that to the death flag collection.)
Then, we switch over to Julius and Shin playing chess. Of course, playing chess with Lelouch is always serious business. So, he talks about how Duke Velaines is dead where he stands, and the other Dukes are all a bunch of cowards. He then goes onto psychoanalyze Shin, through the game, saying that there's something that Shin does not wish to sacrifice. However, Julius is different. He wishes to sacrifice everything, in the name of the Emperor.
Suddenly, Julius ends up going batshit insane! Yep. If anyone ever had any doubts, Charles used his Geass, to create a false personality for Lelouch. And now, Lelouch's true personality is trying to regain control of himself. And kindly go fuck yourself, Suzaku! Because I know you had a hand in this!
Shin, having an idea of what's going on, deduces that Julius Kingsley is really Zero. He also calls Suzaku out on his hypocrisy, being the son of Japan's final Prime Minister, and becoming a high ranking knight of Britannia.
Then, Knightmare action time~! Oh, my lord! I know it was only for a few minutes, but goddamn! That Lancelot is as sexy as ever! If this OVA has consistently done something right, it's the mechaporn. I have had absolutely no problem with the mechaporn, at all.
Putting my mechagasming aside, I guess this is the beginning of how Suzaku got his White Reaper nickname. Damn, that slaughter was brutal. And I loved that moment, where Shin is trying to get into Suzaku's head, while all the carnage is going on, behind him, in the other room. lol
Meanwhile, another interesting thing happens, with Smilas. Code Geass finally has it's own version of Yuuko Ichihara, and she would like Smilas to kill Shin. The fact that she exists, could mean sooooo many things, for the Code Geass universe. She could easily be used, as an excuse for a new series, or what not. If not, I'm actually quite interested in learning more about her.
Shin then goes onto address the House of Lords; telling them that Julius Kingsley was actually Zero, but he killed him. Shin, more or less, wishes to have his cake and eat it, and wants an all-out bloodbath. Because some of the other Dukes had disagreed with Shin, he beheaded them, and displayed their severed heads to the House. (Alas, poor Zarlish! Even your real death was treated with more dignity, than this!) However, Farnese managed to get away, and he's clearly planning to stop Shin.
Leila briefs the team about the plan to take down the Ark Fleet, which the Wyvern Team agrees to. Akito, however, wants to do it alone. This leads to an amusing moment, where Ryou starts punching him out, while Yukiya and Ayano tell Leila that it's because Ryou likes Akito. (And thus, a new ship was born! Only that no one really seems to be talking about it.) I gotta say, I'm amused at seeing Ryou go from a total douchebag, to becoming a moe character. lol He was hilarious, in this episode.
The episode ends with Shin placing a Geass upon Alice, and bidding her farewell. Well, knowing how his Geass commands have worked, in the past, I guess we all know where this is going.
Next episode is already out, in Japan, but we won't get to see it, for a while. I heard that the blu-ray isn't due out, until the end of October. Furthermore, the final episode won't be released in theaters, until February 6th, of next year. -groans- Four days after mai husbando's birthday, huh? Nevertheless, I hope that they have something planned, after this project is over, because next year's the 10th anniversary of Geass. I really want them to celebrate the series, in some way!