Title : Miroku and This Sesshomaru: Chapter Three
Author : tasukigirl78
Fandom : Inuyasha
Pairing : Sesshomaru/Miroku
Rating : M, slash
Summary : Beauty and Beast Inuyasha style.
Warnings : Sesshomaru is very OOC.
When the two months were up, Myoga and sisters were so grieved at the thought of his departure that he didn’t have the courage to put the ring that Sesshomaru gave him in order to get back to the castle. He kept on putting of return to the palace for the sake of his family when at last he had a dismal dream which helped Miroku make up his mind. He thought he was wondering a lonely path in the palace garden, when he heard groans which seemed to come from the bushes hiding the entrance of a cave. Running quickly to see what could be the matter, Miroku found Sesshomaru stretched out upon his side, apparently dying. As he laid on the ground, Kikyo appeared in front of him once again and said gravely:
“Miroku, you are only just in time to save Sesshomaru’s life. See what happens to people who don’t keep their promises! If you had delayed one day more, you would have found him dead.”
Miroku was son terrified by this dream that the next morning he announced his intention of going back at once, and that very he said goodbye to his father and his sisters, and as soon as he was in bed he turned his ring round upon his finger, and said firmly, “I wish to go back to my palace and see my Sesshomaru again,” as he had been told to do.
Then he fell asleep instantly, and only woke up to hear the clock saying “Miroku, Miroku” five times in its musical voice, which told him at once that at once that he was really back in the palace once more. Everything was just as it was before. But as the day wore on, Miroku became so anxious to see Sesshomaru again that he thought dinnertime would never come.
But when it did come and Sesshomaru didn’t appear, the young man became frightened. So after listening and waiting for a long time, he ran to the garden to search for the demon lord. Up and down the paths and avenues ran poor Miroku, calling for the demon dog in vain, for no one answered. After searching for awhile, he stopped for a minute’s rest, and saw that he was standing opposite the shady path that Miroku had seen in his dream. The young man rushed down it, and, sure enough, there was the cave, and it lay Sesshomaru asleep, so Miroku thought. Quite glad to have found him. He ran up and stoked his head, but, to Miroku’s horror, the great four legged dog demon didn’t move or open his eyes.
“He’s dead and it’s ally my fault,” said the young man crying bitterly.
But then, looking at Sesshomaru again, he fancied that the demon dog was still breathing and hastily fetched some water from the nearest fountain. Sprinkling it over his face, Sesshomaru began to revive.
“Sesshomaru, you frightened me!” Miroku cried. “I never knew how much I loved you until just now, when I feared that I was too late to save your life.”
“Can you really love such an ugly creature as this Sesshomaru” He asked faintly. Miroku, you came just in time. I was dying because I thought you had forgotten your promise. Please go back to the castle and rest, I see you again later.
Miroku, who had half expected Sesshomaru to kill him out of anger, was reassured by the demon dog’s gentle voice, and went back to the castle, where supper was awaiting him; and afterward Sesshomaru came in as usual, and talked about the time he had spent with his father, asking Miroku if he had enjoyed himself, and if his family had been glad to see him.
The young man answered politely, and quite enjoyed telling him all that happened to him. And when at last the time came for Sesshomaru to go, he asked as he had so asked before, “Miroku, will marry me?”
Miroku answered softly, “Yes, Sesshomaru I will become your husband and your mate.”
As he spoke a blaze of light sprang up before the window of the palace; fireworks crackled and guns banged, and across the avenue of trees, in letters all made of fireflies, was written “Long live The Lord and his Mate.”
Turning to ask Sesshomaru what it could all mean, Miroku found that he had disappeared and in his palace stood her long love Lord! At the same moment the wheels of a chariot were heard upon the terrace, and Kikyo and another woman name Izayoi entered the room. Once of them Miroku recognized as the stately lade he had seen in his dreams; the other was also so grand and queenly that the young hardly knew which to greet first.
But the one he had already known said to her companion:
“Well Lady Izayoi, this is Miroku, who had the courage to rescue your son from the terrible enchantment, which forced your son to be stay solely in his demon form. They love one another, and only your consent to their marriage is wanting to make them perfectly happy.”
“I give them my permission to marry with all my heart,” cried the Lady. “How can I ever thank you enough, charming boy, for having restored my dear son to his natural form?”
And then she tenderly embraced Miroku and Sesshomaru, who had meanwhile been greeting Kikyo and receiving her congratulations.
“Now,” said Kikyo to Miroku, “I suppose you would like me to send for your family to dance at your wedding?”
And so she did, and the marriage was celebrated the very next day with the utmost splendor, and Miroku and Sesshomaru lived happily ever after.