Dear author/artist: Thaaaaank you in advance for making something for me! :D
Please consider all my prompts and comments suggestions. I love receiving gifts and am easy to please. If you have fun making it, I'm sure I'll love too! ^^
Do feel free to browse my 'dear author' tag for past exchange letters if you'd like more/other prompts, because in many cases (Suikoden III, THG, etc), I've asked for these fandoms/characters before and I'd certainly still enjoy fan works relating to ideas I mentioned before, although, of course, they might not be as specifically geared toward this exchange and such. ^^;
general do not wants - PWP, excessive blood/gore in art (I've got a higher tolerance for it in writing), spiders in art, ha ha
general likes/prompts/suggestions - many of the fandoms I've requested might mesh well with topics of ghosts and nightmares. I like creepy stuff; I have no problem with minor or major character death as it suits your fic/art. On the other hand, I also like sweet things, slice of life, friendship fic…I may not be all that actively shippy in the works I make, but as a reader/viewer I am an easy sell that way too. I loved Halloween as a child, but have never really figured out what to do with it as an adult. Actual Halloween or such in a fandom where it makes sense is good, a Halloween-like holiday of your creation in an other world fandom is good too.
oh, something else I love that you might be able to look to for inspiration (treats or tricks. definitely tricks XD;) is the band The Decemberists, ha ha
Historical RPF
Wilfred Owen +/ Siegfried Sassoon
Friendship or shippy. Dreams or nightmares. The trenches or Craiglockhart. Ghosts! It just occurred to me as I was nominating stuff that "I can ask for whatever I want!! :D So I might as well throw this out there!" I'm no expert and, c'mon, look at me asking for this- you don't need to split hairs over perfect historical accuracy (unless you like to)- get the general feel of the period right and we'll be peachy.
Breath of Fire IV
Any [Ryu, Fou-lu, Mami, Cray, Elina, Scias, Ursula, Nina], but I'd be especially partial to Fou-lu/Mami (during the game or AU of your choice), Cray/Elina (pre-game or AU of your choice), or the post-game lives of any of the characters <- things in the empire and/or alliance might be going well or…not so well. Game typical body horror is fine. Oh, I once saw someone make a request for something where Cray and Elina try to make it work with her altered form- that could be interesting.
Boardwalk Empire
Any [Nucky, Margaret, Julia, Richard, Charlie, Meyer, Benny, A.R.], but I sooo ship Richard/Julia, ha ha. Also, soft spot for Charlie/Meyer.
BE always loved to include holidays, so seeing actual Halloween in some form would be neat (Julia and Richard take Tommy trick or treating?) Any Team New York hijinks would be fun too. Feel free to include any other characters you like, I just picked my favorites and worked out from there to include a sampling.
Suikoden III
Any [Sasarai, Dios, Yun, Chris, Aila, Queen, Geddoe, Sarah]
Some kind of True Rune horror?? Something with Grassland spirits verging either toward the positive/uplifting or the creepy. Geddoe & co. on an eerie mission or Geddoe+Queen or Queen+Aila friendship fic. Feel free to include any other characters that suit you.
The Wind Rises
Any [Jiro, Nahoko, Caproni, Honjo, Kayo]
I'd just like more fic for this movie….. Something about Kayo's life and circumstances as a doctor…Nahoko's experiences at the sanatorium…other dreams of Jiro's we haven't seen…does Nahoko have such, uh, colorful dreams? some of Nahoko's dreams in counterpoint to Jiro's…Jiro after the war...
Tales of Rebirth
Any [Mao, Eugene, Veigue, Claire, Annie, Milhaust, Agarte, Tytree]- I mean, how can I possibly complain if I receive ToR fic/art?!!- but Mao is my favorite character and I'd be partial to something Mao+Eugene related. What kind of rebuilding/restructuring has to go on after the end of the game? How does that go? Friendship stuff between any of the characters is great… AU where Agarte lives is great… (I ship Veigue/Claire, Milhaust/Agarte, and Claire/Agarte, so you could come up with some wild sedoretu scenario with all four of them? ooh, wow, I think I've found my one true sedoretu XD;) Any sort of 'Bad End' AU could also be interesting.
Hunger Games
Mags, Victors, Snow's granddaughter
Please feel free, via the umbrella of the victors, to make or up or write about an OC victor you have (or if you've read any of my stuff before and liked any of my OC victors, go wild and write/draw or just include something about them) or write/draw something including a selection of victors, major or minor, canon or not. Any creepy Games or victor life post-Games scenario you want to indulge in! Feel free to include whatever characters or ships you like (don't break up canon ships without explanation though- if you 'show your work' I can roll with must ships though).
Oh, alternate Third Quarter Quell fics (wherever you want to take that idea) are always great!
Alternately, I'd be interested in something about Snow's granddaughter post series, whether she has an ordinary (for, uh, THG values of ordinary) life afterward or you go the Capital Hunger Games route.
And then, Mags~ <3 My favorite ^^ Mags, haunted or happy. Mags' relationship with victors she mentored (whether Finnick, or if she mentored Annie, or anyone you want to make up) for good or ill. I've written a lot about Mags, but have enjoyed pretty much every take on her I've read so please feel free to give her a background and such completely different than I have, or similar, or use anything I've come up with that you like (who doesn't like that?). If you can come up with a good canon AU where Mags winds up reasonably happy, I'd be all over that. (admittedly I'd probably enjoy any kind of AU that riffs on Mags and District Four in an interesting way)
(also, if you feel like engaging with any of my own backstory for Mags, I wrote myself into my OTP of OTPs there with her and Jack Umber. So, uh, there's that. Anything about that. (would break my 'please no PWP' stance if you were writing/drawing, like, a missing/filling in a fadeout scene from Your Own Kind since I would consider my own plot as context XD;))