Title: Transcription of a Message Home
ginnysetaPairing: Zoro x Nami
Fandom: One Piece
Theme: #14, radio-cassette player
Disclaimer: Oda is God, I am not He.
Notes: This is a a little un-beta'd drabble I wrote to get a a difficult theme out of the way. I may revise it as I am not sure I captured "Zoro's voice".
Ahh...is this thing workin'? I don't even know. Usopp told me he'd send you all the junk you need to play this god damned radio casette recording. I promised you I'd send you something...I'm just really not good with letters, as you've probably noticed from my last few.
The pirate summit is goin' good, although there are more than a few people I would like to slice up. To be honest, I'm not really cut out for any of this diplomatic bullshit. Neither is Luffy, but since he's Pirate King, he really doesn't have a choice. He HAS to be, at least as much so as a pirate can be. And I'm damned proud of him. Luffy has a way with people, in his strange, almost dumb sounding but well meaning kinda way.
So, Na-chan, how are things going back on Cocoyashi? Howse my Hikaru-chan? Is she startin' to crawl yet? I hope so...the sooner she can crawl, the sooner she can learn to hold a sword...You have no idea how pissed off I am to not be there with her in these first few months - but you heard what Chopper said. It's not safe for her to make the trip yet, only being a couple months old. There's still so much to be done in the mikan groves, and it only made sense for you to stay.
But it hurts like fucking hell. I miss you, Na-chan. Look, I can't stand talking into this stupid thing anymore. Give Hikaru a kiss for me, and know I sure as hell will give you one as soon as I get back. Nami, I love you. I'll be coming home soon.