Title: Fever
ginnysetaGenre: Drama
Relationship/characters: Setsuna and Lockon centric. Also features Tieria, Hallelujah, and Haro. Interpret things as you will.
Rating: PG - PG-13ish
Warnings/kinks: VIRGIN FIC ALERT! (As in...the author's first time. Not the characters, lol.)
Notes: This is my first G00 fic. I'm honestly really nervous about
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Comments 16
LOL!! That was a brilliant Lockon phrase! XD
The last four sentences were very powerful and did a great job in ending the fic. That just stood out to me, since I always have trouble coming up with a last sentence.
*still cracking up over Lockon's line*
I was trying not to use "he said" and phrases like that too much...Gah! This is where I need to improve as a writer. On the other hand, I'm glad those last few sentences got the point across! They were probably the hardest ones to write.
BTW, the fic you recently wrote is in my reading queque XD! I'll be sure to check it out soon!
LOL, maybe my brain was trying to tell me that Lockon should be saying that line XD!
In any case, definitely good suggestions! Thank you muchly!
I desperately need a beta for G00. Very few people I know are into it, which is a bummer for things like fanfic betas and roleplayers. My fiance is the only person I know off hand I could get to do it - and he couldn't punctuate his way out of a paper bag XD
For next time I'll see if I can get someone else to look over it! Or try to be EXTRA careful with careless mistakes
Glad you liked it!
It was somewhere between fluffy and sort of sad. I really enjoyed it, thanks for writing it!
I some how missed your comment first time around X_X I'm sorry!
And love the inclusion of haro into the team =)
LOL, yes, Haro is an important part of the team to me XD!
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