I have Mondayitis & its Tuesday

Jan 27, 2009 14:45

Lovely lovely weekend. My eyes have been opened by some friends decieving me - but to be honest I am not bothered. If they cannot be truthful then I feel for them. Tell me the truth any day - but if you wish to lie just make sure I dont talk to your other friends & find you OUT!

Pinched this from Margaret - wonderful to see you on Sunday!

Getting to know you Meme

1. Were you named after anyone? My Mother said my Father named me & apparently after Tina Turner. ~~sighs~~ but yeah like I had a choice & Tina Turner still rocking in her 70's & has great legs!

2. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep even though they were gonna rip em out when I was a grommit.

3. Would you bungee jump? No dont think so. That is the one thing I have an aversion too. Just have this thought in my head of my legs being ripped from the hip sockets....though being of Polynesian heritage I have a feeling it is genetic memory from the "bungee" with vines they do on Pentecost Island. Another life - another time.

4. What is your favorite cereal? Dont like cereal - full of sugar & shit with numbers instead of names. If I have to eat anything like that would be my homemade organic museli. Dont really know why people buy cereal for - so easy & quick to make ya own let alone other options to eat for breakky like BRUSCHETTA! YUM!

5. Do you untie your shoes when you take them of? Yes.

6. What is your favorite ice cream? Me no eat ice cream - has cows lactations in it. But if I did I would say MANGO!

7. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their energy & eyes. (For boys - then hair, arse & boots! HAHA)

8. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Being critical of oneself & others

9. What's the last thing you ate? Salad from my garden

10. What are you listening to right now? Typing fingers & buzzing computers

11. Last movie you watched? The Wrestler - was quite impressed.

12. What did you dream about last night? Can't remember last nights - but been having some good ones lately.

13. What book are you reading? Yoga for Women.

14. Summer or winter? Winter, WINTER WINTER!

15. Do you have any special talents? Singing, gardening, sewing, not being scared of spiders! LOL none of those are spesh really....

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