Another SPN vid - How To Save A Life

May 09, 2006 03:27

Yup, I made another Supernatural music video. I don't think I did anything else today... *blinks* Boy time flies.

I wasn't going to post this yet, but FCOL said it was really good and I'm a glutton for punishment praise so... *grins*

Title: How To Save A Life
Song: The Fray
Length: 4:25
Size: Just under 19mb
Spoilers: Clips taken from the episode ( Read more... )

spn:vid, musicvid, spn

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Comments 7

forcryinoutloud May 9 2006, 02:46:53 UTC
Mwahahah!! You already know how much I love this hun!! ;) *g*


sethoz May 9 2006, 18:14:55 UTC
Very true, I do *g* *g*


clez May 9 2006, 03:30:09 UTC
Another beautiful one, Thozzy! *snuggles... and wants more* XD Very nicely done! And that song is preeeeeetty.


sethoz May 9 2006, 16:15:26 UTC
*snuggles back* I'm always open to song suggestions ;)

It is such a pretty song isn't it! I've been playing it pretty much non-stop since Layton sent it to me...


nedkelly May 9 2006, 09:40:11 UTC
Again, Wow!

These are fansastic!


sethoz May 9 2006, 18:14:22 UTC

It helps that Dean the Winchester brothers are so pretty...


nedkelly May 9 2006, 23:38:00 UTC
That it does, m'dear, that it does.


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