YAOI CON 2004...

Nov 02, 2004 10:52

Wah, I'm back. ^__^;;

I miss everyone already! ::hugs::

Here is my version of the Yaoi-Con Report...

The drive up was veery long. We left San Diego at 11pm. Wahh, I don't know why but it seemed we had /so/ many complications. We arrived at Gina's house I guess at about 10 or 11am.

The first day of the con was very laid back just because there was absolutly nothing to do. Nothing was open and there were no panels. I think we just spent that day walking around and getting used to it.

Friday night we didn't get to sleep until around 4am (what else is new at cons though)?

Saturday morning I went to "The Room" meaning Kim and Jess' room ('cause that is where I spent all my time minus sleep). We watched Saturday Morning cartoons (FoxBox, gag).

The Masquerade was this day. I went with them and got the Gomus and the Links on tape (I'm still trying to figure out if I can somehow get it online).

We went back to "The Room" 'cause people wanted to drink (thanks to Gina who brought the booze, heh). I had a Smirnoff Twited Green Apple and some other drink that tasted like Melons (but I don't remember what it's called). Then people pretty much fell asleep, so I went back to my own room.

Also, that night though, I was taken to the Dance by JM! <3 Even though the dance sucked ass, I still was happy I got to spend /some/ time with her.

Sunday was spent at the Art Table with people, was much fun.

I also finally got to go into the Dealer's room. I was so suprised, I hardly bought anything. Let's see I ended up buying:

- A ONE PIECE pillow
- A Kakashi keychain for my mom (which I ended up losing... >_>;;)
- A Yaoi-Con Bumper Sticker ('cause I'm a whore).
- A Seme shirt. XP
- A pair of Wolf Ears
- A print from Gina
- 4 prints from Kim and Jess

We packed and went to dinner before leaving to go home. Dinner was nice but after it was sad~ness saying goodbye to everyone! The massive group hug in the Sizzler parking lot will not be forgotten. Hiiku!! Your hair is veery amusing!

Then last goodbyes to everyone at the other resturant and then on our way.

Meh, the best part of the ride home was the talk to my mom from everyone. Nuuu!! She can't cosplay Jiraya! JESS... SHE BEATS ME, I SWEAR!!

Gah, I feel like I'm forgetting /so/ much!

I will post some pictures later, kay?

Oh OH! Before I go, here is a list of people I saw:

chibihiku, cosplayeriori, firnantowen, gottabegenki, howiepoof, jadeprince, junkeemunky, kinbu, and xian_pu!!

Also new peoples: sihaya_chan, Juumou, Katie Bair (and Tommy XDDD), Gah, so many more that I so can't remember. If anyone has other people I met's LJs please tell me too. ^__^

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