Someday, I'll stop watching E3 coverage and actually get back to my convention report from AO.
Thank you sony for an intro that isn't just a gameplay demo. Shiny, shiny, times.
Dude... please don't let this be last year's Nintendo.
... so... this year they're pushing 3D. Which is apparently already 3D-ready by system update.
I guess I'm really missing out on the core of some amazing gaming by being... not so into FPS. Granted, I'll give KillZone points in that I haven't seen any other game with a jet pack like that. Except Reach. But, you know.
"Compatible with Move technology" is a lot more interesting to me than "exclusively on kinect"
I wish the Move didn't look so much like the WiiMote.
...I do love everything about my PS3. But... there is not a whole lot that I'm loving about this presentation.
So I need a PSEye camera, and the move controler... and.... will there even be any games that I want for the Move?
OK!! Traditional AND Move version on the same disc. Thank you!
Sorcery... looks awesome. And You have controller buttons still for movement, so the controller can still just... you know, be a game interface device. Harry Potter games with Move will be bad ass.
Ok, I'm not big on golf, but this does look significantly better controlled than the Wii. And apparently for some games, you'll be able to add Move functionality with an update from the PSN. Which I like. Really what I'm seeing with the Move is that they're not pushing it as 'THE ONLY WAY TO GAME' but as an optional accessory and a way to enhance gameplay in certain games. And that? That is awesome.
Seriously, this is a bit too much of a sales pitch. Coke sponsorship, etc.
"Gaming is having a rediculously huge tv in a tiny apartment. Gaming is staying up until 3 am to win a trophy that isn't real. But it is. And girls that know that the way to a man's heart is through a melee attack."
OK Sony. Can I elect this man president or something? Kevin Butler. Holy crap what a speech.
Move launches September 19th. Wandy thing is $50, navigation thing is $30, and a set with the wand and the eye for... 69.99? Hrm... prices aren't really something I'm excited about.
Really, if the Move just makes the PS3 into the HD version of the Wii? I think I'm ok with that.
PSP... *sigh* Someday. Someday. Most interesting to me look like P3P, 3rd Birthday (which looks to be a Parasite Eve game) and Birth By Sleep.
Yay for Little Big Planet~! Wow, LBP2 looks amazing.
And Mod Nation Racers, which I really want.
Ugh, subscription for some extra PSN stuff. $50 per year... Sounds like some free titles, free titles, discounts on the PSN items... and my worry is that it sounds like if your subscription lapses, you lose all the Play Station Plus content that you downloaded.
Mmkay, so, Medal of Honor. Looks quite shiny... but not my thing.
Deadspace 2 - looks crazy
Hello suprise Valve employee and Portal 2. o.o Who apparently used to be an outspoken opponent of the PS3. Portal 2 for PS3, which will be "the best version on any console".
FFXIV~ which looks sexy as usual. And is still an MMO.
Exclusive AC:B missions on PS3, multiplayer beta only on PS3. And exlusive multiplayer footage... which looks amazing.
It. Only. Does. Everything.
Infamous 2. Looks very interesting, though I'd have to play the original first.
New Twisted Metal game... which I guess will be really exciting. For people that do the vehicle combat mode.
And now to work. Again. Whee~!