So, got an email back from the cosplay peeps at SakuraCon, so am now actually planning on attending, here's the progress list for Saku, Kagetoki, and my karaoke songs, to be updated as the month progresses:
Costumes (Kagetoki and Saku)
Kagetoki armor needs to be reworked, including both arms and boot plates.
Kagetoki gem/tatoo situation needs to be ready to demo?
Kagetoki hip openings and gold facings need detail fixings
Kagetoki gun needs touch-ups?
Saku needs new (home made) tabi - probably out of kona muslin or the like
Saku wig needs the bangs heat-styled forward just a little
Saku needs extra ties, undergarments need washed or make new that are cleaner
Saku needs a new eri-jime and/or date-eri, also home made.
Saku navy layer should be taken in at shoulders if at all possible
April 2 - COSTUME JUDGING MEETING THING IS TODAY, all work should be prepared. All progress pics need to be put together.
I'm settled on a shortened version of 'UNDO' for first round, and 'Slowly But Surely' for second. Have edited the tracks for Undo and stuck them on my iPod for practice.