nothing is pissing me off more right now than this boy's lack of time comprehension.... if you say your gonna call someone before ten....frickin call them before ten....
its amazing how hard it is to be the person you say you are. and then theres the difference between being the person you always thought youd be, and the person youve become. its scares me how different life has left me....from the person i thought i was.
Rhodes College sent me an email! Theyre interested in having me play for them.... too bad i dont wanna play in college any more and theyre school only has 1,600 students...... a LITTLE SMALLER than where i wanna go *cough cough 23,00 cough cough* anyways...its nice to be wanted... i sent their coach an email back thanking her.... its nice to be
hung out with nicole howie today.... most random thing ever! we like totally clicked! we talked about like everything!!! i literally just got home! it was soo cool. she's soo nice! we basically told like our life stories over the course of like 3 hours
anyways.... alan hasnt called me in like 2 days :(