(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 05:33

Title: Frozen
Claim: Firefly verse
Author: Sevangel
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Simon/Mal
Prompt: 14 Submissive



The first thing he notices is that he can't move, not a gorram thing. His entire body is tied down, even his gorram head. The second thing he notices is he's naked. He's lying on what has to be a mattress, a damn soft one at that. He knows it ain't his bunk, it smells too gorram good in this room to be part of his boat. His first thought is maybe Niska found him again but he dismisses that almost right away. It's too gorram comfortable. Niska've him tied up against some metal rack again. After a few minutes, he's able to blink his eyes open, shutting them almost immediately from the bright light. He repeats that action a few times before it not longer hurts. He can't turn his head so he can only see above him and a little ways on each side of him. He picks up some rustling and realizes somebody else is in the room. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out but a gurgle.

"Don't try talking." A husky, male voice advises. "It won't work."

After a few moments, he sees somebody walking towards him but from his position, he can only make out a shadow. Then he sees nothing, his eyes covered by something black.

"The more you struggle, the harder it will work." The voice says. "Just relax."

Since he can't talk, Mal thinks insults at the bastard holding him hostage.

The male laughs. "You're so stubborn."

He sucks in a deep breath when something brushes his cheek.

"So controlling." The male voice says. "You're in control of everything and most of you hates this."

If he could, he would nod his agreement.

"But the other part of you craves it." The voice says. "This is your ultimate fantasy; having the control taken from you."

He tries to argue but nothing comes out.

"Just relax." The voice says again. "Relax."

He ignores the voice and tries to move; nothing happens.

The voice laughs again. "You need to learn to relax."

He feels the mattress move with added weight and move again. He sucks in another deep breath when something soft traces down his cheek to his collarbone. He's pretty sure it's the tips of somebody's fingers, most likely the male the voice belongs to, and he's shocked he's not more bothered by the fact that another male has him tied down. He's bothered by the fact of being tied down but not by the fact that it's another male.

"So many scars." The male comments. "Though I suspect most of them are not showing."

If he could, he would roll his eyes. The male voice is starting to sound familiar but he just can't place it.

"You need to learn to relax." The voice repeats. "And I'm going to show you."


Simon studies the naked, sprawled out body of his captain and knows he should walk away. There's no way Mal knows it's him yet and he can run back to his room and feign ignorance. River will back him up, having a convenient 'vision' of the captain in trouble. But he can't. He's wanted this man since the first second he saw him and this will probably be the only opportunity he'll ever have. He knows it's wrong, so close to rape that the line is completely blurred but two years of living in the black have taught him nothing but riding that blurry line. So, giving into the desire he can no longer ignore, he moves his fingers off Mal's chest and replaces it with his mouth. The muscle relaxer he gave the captain to keep him from wringing his back from the fall he suffered their last job will wear out in a few minutes and Simon is going to use every second of those minutes to taste as much of Mal as he can.

If he could, Mal knows he'd be moaning. The mouth on his chest is warm and wet, tentative in a way that tells him the man isn't anymore used to this than he is. He wants to see who's licking at his chest, he wants to wrap his hand in his hair and wrench his neck back as he pounds inside his body. He wants to fuck this person he doesn't know more than he's ever wanted anything in his life.

Simon licks his way over to the scar on Mal's shoulder and lathes it with his tongue, his hands roaming up and down the captain's body.

Okay, he was wrong; there is one part of his body that can move.

Simon licks his way down Mal's chest, stopping to tug harshly at one of Mal's nipples, his hand moving up to twist the other one.

A small moan leaves Mal's mouth; both men jump.

Simon, realizing the medicine is about to wear off, leaves Mal's nipple to nip his way down the captain's belly.

Mal, realizing he can make noises, is pretty sure he should be questioning this person, maybe telling him to stop, but instead just lets the pleasured moans escape out.

Simon moves to kneel between Mal's thighs, pushing the still frozen limbs apart to make more room for himself. He stares open mouthed at Mal's erection, the captain's moans finally making sense. Mal, whether he'll ever admit it or not, is enjoying this. He wraps his hand around Mal's hard cock, his thumb rubbing softly over the mushroom tip.

A loud groan escapes Mal's mouth, his hips bucking just the slightest bit.

Simon bends his head and wraps his tongue around the tip of Mal's cock. His hand cups the captain's balls, massaging them gently as he slides his mouth as far down Mal's cock as it will go.

His eyes roll back, his back arches and his hips buck into the warm, wet mouth. He groans again as teeth gently graze his shaft and then moans when his balls are rolled.

Simon is pretty sure he should be running out of the room; Mal is almost unfrozen. But he wants to taste Mal's release at least once. He pulls his mouth away from Mal's cock, filing away the captain's whimper of protest, and sucks one of his fingers into his mouth until the digit is soaked. Then he returns to his feast, his wet digit moving to trace around the opening of Mal's body. And before he can really think about what he's doing, he pushes the finger inside, his mouth dropping down until his nose brushes against Mal's pubic hair.

Mal jumps at the invasion and then moans loudly as intense, dark pleasure like he's never felt floods his body.

Simon greedily swallows Mal's cum, his finger moving in small circles to prolong Mal's pleasure as much as he can. He feels Mal's cock go flaccid in his mouth but doesn't remove it, intent on getting ever bit of cum he can find.


Simon's heart stops for a second and he looks up Mal's body to see the captain sitting up, the blindfold in his hand. Berating himself for not leaving when he could, Simon pulls back and stumbles to his feet. In a dead panic, he runs for the door of the brothel room they're in.

"I don't think so." Mal moves to his feet and across the room in a way only a man used to being injured could.

"Let me go." Simon tries to open the door.

"Yeah, cause you granted me that same courtesy." Mal picks the smaller man up and tosses him towards the bed.

Simon hits the mattress with a grunt and scurries backwards, suddenly afraid of what Mal is going to do to him. He knows what he deserves.

"What the hell did you give me?" Mal leans against the wall, not bothered in the least bit by his nudity.

Simon averts his eyes from Mal's body, his face burning with embarrassment.

"You're blushin'?" Mal asks in shock. "After what you just done did, you're gonna blush?"

"It was a muscle relaxer." Simon looks down at his hand. "You hurt your back and I didn't want you to wrench it when you woke up."

"And you decided I needed to be naked and in a room alone with you?" Mal drums his fingers on his forearms.

Simon doesn't answer.

"I just asked you a gorram question and I expect a gorram answer." Mal says. "Now."

"Zoe and Jayne brought you up here so I could keep an eye on you." Simon whispers. "They, along with the rest of the crew, went to deliver the goods; I said I'd stay behind and keep an eye on you."

"And the naked part?" Mal asks, smirking at the blush covering Simon's face. "They decide that too?"

"No." Simon shakes his head. "I did that on my own."

"Why?" Mal asks.

Simon shrugs.

Mal stalks across the room until he's standing beside the young doctor. "You know why. Now I wanna know why."

Deciding it's stupid to lie, he's already caught, Simon admits defeat. "I wanted you; I've wanted you since the first time I saw you and this was the only opportunity I'd probably ever get." He stands up again, still refusing to look at Mal. "Please don't take this out on River; we'll leave….just don't press charges; I'm the only person she has."

"This wasn't a smart thing to do." Mal comments.

"I know." Simon agrees.

"Certainly not top three percent smart." Mal adds.

Simon finally looks up, his eyes blazing. "Why do you always bring that up; I may be smart but I'm still human. I can make mistakes…."

Mal cuts Simon off with a kiss, his mouth biting at the doctor's like he wants to eat him. And he does. Every inch.

Simon moans helplessly, his hands moving to scrap at Mal's chest. "Mal?"

"Gorram, do you get me hot." Mal rubs his hardening cock against Simon's hip. "Take off your gorram clothes and get on that bed."

Simon swallows heavily at the look in Mal's eyes and moves follow his instructions. "What are you going to do?"

Mal opens the drawer of the beside table and pulls out a bottle of lubrication that the brothel keeps stocked in there. "I'm going to fuck you."

Simon quickly strips off his clothes, swallowing his lust. He shivers as the cold air hits his body and blushes when Mal whistles.

"Damn doc, I always figured you'd be as scrawny as your sis." Mal pushes Simon onto the bed. "But gorram if you ain't."

Simon moves onto all fours, his thighs spread wide. His cock is literally leaking and he's pretty sure one touch and he's going to come.

Mal tosses the bottle back in the drawer and moves to mount Simon's body. Then with one quick thrust, he pushes inside the virgin doctor.

Simon screams, his body flooding with both unbearable pain and unbearable pleasure. His arms collapses and he falls face forward onto the mattress, his cum soaking the blanket under them.

"Damn." Mal mutters, his eyes closing in bliss. "Gorram, Simon."


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