Title: Delust or Dust
Rating: NC-17 for adult language and sexual situations
Warnings: Graphic sex (eventually) Probably blood play. And foul-mouthedness
Season/Pairing: BtVS Season 3, Buffy/Spike, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia, Angel/his discontent, Giles/missing spatula
Spoilers: Starts with the episode Lover's Walk, so anything up until
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Comments 27
Squeeeeee and yey and whoo whoo :)
this is the best news eva & the chapter was great.
all I have to say is Thank You.
I think my favorite part was when Spike twigged that Joyce was teasing him. "Very funny." Yes, it is.
Oh, and welcome to the "Isn't Spike funny when he impersonates Eddie Haskell?" Club. So far, it's you, me, and mere_ubu, since Nov. 2008. We are mighty.
I enjoyed so much the sweet and funny conversation between Buffy and her mother !
“It’s not a date.” She walked into her closet and pulled out her heels, her short black pleated skirt, and her cute white cowl-neck sleeveless top and laid them on the bed. Ah ah!
Also, such a shy side of Spike who meets Joyce was endearing.She has a soft spot for him. :D
You conveyed Spike's desire for Buffy in an adorable way, all frustrated sitting close to her in the cinema. I must say that while I love arrogant Spike , soon-to-be-worshipper of Buffy pleases me to no end.
Damn good night,” he mused to himself. He lit up a cigarette, howled in time with the song, cranked up the volume and drove away with his arm dangling out the driver’s side window, catching the wind in his ( ... )
Your Joyce is pitch perfectl, and I loved this exchange: “What does this outfit say to you? Mortal enemy or let’s be friends?”
“It says thank you for taking me on a date on a school night, vampire.” I can just see Joyce's crossed arms and the slight frown on her face.
This gave me a laugh: I thought you liked Spike. You had hot cocoa together.”
“I like the Grateful Dead, too, but that doesn’t mean I want them to date my daughter.”
“You like the Grateful Dead?” Yeah, that would have given me pause, too. Not that I don't like the Grateful dead, just, Joyce does? Huh.
This showed how much Spike is struggling, too: “I nicked it, all right ( ... )
Sure! Come on over! :)
I'm glad you liked this little story of mine and thank you so much for the review! The Cramps songs are wonderful things to get stuck in your head. It's much better than the song I have had stuck in my head for weeks now, which I won't share because you'll get it stuck in your head, too, and will be out for my blood in no time.
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