Okay, so... I’ve got a rant. About pharmacists and my reproductive rights. Feel free to skip riiight along if you’re not interested. And if you do read it, don’t flame me. You chose to read it, knowing you may be offended. (Note: Curse words sprinkled throughout. Yes, I am pissed.)
These pharmacists that say it’s against their beliefs to fill prescriptions for birth control -- especially morning-after pills -- can go jump off a cliff. When you train to be a pharmacist, you don’t get the choice to "opt out" of training for, say, birth control or similar drugs. You learn it all. So why in the hell would you go through training, get hired, and then refuse to dispense these drugs just because YOU think it’s wrong? Obviously those who have come to have the prescriptions filled don’t agree with you. Your personal beliefs have no place interfering with your professional duties.
If you are SO squicked out by dispensing birth control to those who need it... do what that one pharmacist did - quit and join a company that you KNOW supports your practices. Otherwise, don’t you dare impose your fucking beliefs on the rest of us. I use the evera patch because I don’t ever want to pop out screaming brats, and it’s too early for most doctors to consider snipping me. (I’m 21.) I also find it helps with a number of other minor issues (my skin is clearer, my periods aren’t as harsh, etc) and I’m glad for that. I’m GLAD that my pharmacists don’t have a stick so far up their butts that they can’t fill my necessary scrips.
Now, let me clarify one thing. I honestly don’t care if Pharmacist A is a catholic and his religion forbids such things. Really. I’m not bashing catholics and those other religions. What I -AM- bashing is their stupidity and self-centeredness. It is flat out disrespectful of others to deny them medication that was prescribed to them in all necessity. What’s next, pharmacists denying alzheimer's or cholesterol-reducing medicines because it "interferes with the natural progression of life"?! Grrah.
While on the topic of birth control... Doctors need to grow spines and people need to get their heads out of their asses. Just because I am 21 does not mean I am not mature enough to decide what I want for my own reproductive future. I’m old enough to drink, old enough to drive, to vote, to go to war and die for my country - but not old enough to be snipped if I want it? That’s just... oy. The bitches that ruined it for the rest of us by getting snipped, then coming back and suing years later because "OMG I can’t have chyyyyldren because this mean doctor sterilized me and I didn’t mean it" need to be slapped with a VERY HEAVY BAT. They obviously have not learned the principle of taking responsibility for their own actions. I know the various ramifications of being snipped, and I’m ready to take those on. If I somehow get abducted by aliens and come back with a complete personality change and demand children, you know what I’ll do? I’ll fucking adopt. I will NOT turn around and sue that poor doctor for doing exactly what I asked him to do. I'm happy to sign a fucking contract absolving the doctors from future legal action, because holy hell, I KNOW how to be responsible for my own goddamn choices.
It is not a doctor’s right to decide whether or not I should have children. It is not a pharmacist’s right to deny me birth control because their religion prevents it. It IS the doctor’s right to refer me to a doctor who can suit my needs. It IS the pharmacist’s right to refer me to a pharmacist who CAN fill that prescription. I will NOT stand by and allow them to hold my health and my future hostage simply to fulfill their desires, goddamn it.