The Master Chief wishes you a Merry Christmas. Unless you're alien scum, in which case he has a 12-gauge present for you.
See above for the first test of the new digital camera. Beyond the pictures of the family that I'm forbidden to post on pain of no turkey, that is.
The camera was the one big gift - apart from it, I got a handful of books (enough to finish off the Gene Wolfe collection, and some good contemporary stuff), the requisite chocolate/candies and toothbrush, and a few other little things. I think I'll have to buy myself the sword, at some point in the new year ;)
Christmas has been nice and low-key so far this year. Had a big breakfast with the family, opened a few presents, made phone calls to a bunch of folk and relayed holiday greetings (if I missed anyone and/or didn't have time to call, I apologize). Unfortunately, most of you seem to be sick - I hope the myriad stomach flus and sore throats clear up in time for dinner, and overall, I hope you all have the wonderful holiday that you deserve!
I'm gonna go play with my new toys.