Stamped as Zack ; Villain theme personality

Sep 20, 2009 16:08


Name: Laura
Age: 23
Gender: female


Please vote on 3 applications:


Even villains have their strengths and weaknesses. What are yours? I'm usually happy. I love to laugh and I really think that life is too short not to enjoy every minute of it. And I'm definitely confident, because when I set my mind on something I usually get it, because I see nothing but my goal and I'm not satisfied until it's done. I never give up until the job is done and failure is not an option. I am adventurous. I have done a little travelling but I would like to do a LOT more! I love to travel because there are so many places and people to meet and explore, so many things too see and learn! And I'm always up for an adventure. And I am so pessimistic it's not even funny and too critical and sarcastic for my own good
Are you a leader, follower or do you prefer to be a loner? I am definitely a leader. And I'm not good at following orders
Are you notoriously evil or not well known? Notoriously evil ( and I don't look like a bad person at all so you'd never suspect me! ahaha! )
What would you rely on most: brute strength or magical prowess? Magical prowess
Describe your ultimate weapon. a sword of some kind.. a katana maybe


Every villain has their own back story, what is yours? Uhm. I like villains with a tragic background. The thing that would motivate me to became a villain would probably be the death of someone I love
Are you more comfortable in giving orders or carrying them out? Giving orders
As a villain, what's your motive? Probably the death of someone I love or the desire to change the world in a better place
Do you prefer to work behind the scenes or would you rather be on the front lines? Front lines
Villains have one or several natural abilities. Name one of yours. *think think think* Well.. I would like to be skilled in casting illusions


!villain: kadaj

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