Hi, it's me from lovelessdiscuss. I'd been posting drabbles and shortfics on loveless_fics, but this might be a better forum for it since sometimes I write coyly and then I wonder whether anyone understood it. =D Here's a sample of my writing I generally like.
rubyprism seems to be doing more writing than I am in this fandom (in Mana Khemia and Ar Tonelico fandom, I tended to be the one writing buckets and she was the one commenting/analysing, so it's an interesting role reversal), but I did write this. (I still need to finish up and post the companion-ish fic to it that I've half-finished....)
Hmm, that may be in part because in Mana Khemia you were writing straight-up nice happy porn, which I'm still so awkward and new at (...Mana Khemia took my porn-writing ears...) and that's not really what I'm writing for Loveless. =D
I guess I'm less surprised that you're writing more and more surprised that I'm not writing as much as I expected to. I guess we have been busy in general, and I tend to be much less able to write under busy conditions....
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