*looks about* Wow...haven't updated this thing in forever. Never am any good at keeping things up, I must admit. Oh well; barely contribute to anything more than icons anyway so no real loss....BUT~~~ I felt the need to update. ^_^
This has not been my week...AT ALL. If it's not one thing it's another and none of them are ever good. Why can't, for once, I have a spectacular week and everything just be okay? Is it too much to ask for someone like me to have a peacful and worry free DAY muchless a week? *sighs* Yes, I know...I should stop bitching and just deal but COME ON. After this week I'm starting to think that I'm one of those people that you meet that never has good luck but still manages to be happy. *BLARG*
Example? Why sure...I've got three good ones.
I work at a Mental Institution, capital letters YES, in Tennessee, so you can understand that my work enviroment is a bit hectic. Well, I work in the area with the handicapped and forensic patients; those that are a bit MR, those that are MI that can't do for themselves, and those that are either MR, MI, or both that are on legal hold. Hetic is NOT the right work for it but it's good enough.
Anyhoo; the other night one of the patients had to be taken to the hospital and guess who volunteered to go? Come on, just guess. >-< *unamused* The patient was pretty bad off and this was the first time ever that the patient had, had this type of reaction so when the ambulance came to take the patient to the ER things were not looking good. Welp, things were even WORSE at the hospital. I sat with that patient for SEVEN HOURS while waiting to get the patient a room in ICU so the doctors could have a decent look and take care of this patient. SEVEN HOURS!! What the HOLY HELL?!!!!! Three people, count them THREE, were admitted in an hour, tops, after we'd been sitting there for four. All three of these people came in after we'd been at the hospital for two. That's nothing...this patient is going into major sezuiers
and what do the nurses do? They lay paperwork on the patients legs and casually work on the side computer mounted on the wall in the patient's room. No fluids, no medicines, nothing. The nurse doesn't even bother to wipe the patient's face off before, during, or AFTER the episode ends and there is sputum all over the place. What does said nurse do? Why the nurse steps out of the room to do WHAT THE HELL EVER and leaves the paperwork laying on the patient's legs.
I couldn't believe it. COULDN'T. How could they treat this patient like this? That's not taking care of a very sick person that is in desperate need of it but pushing them to the side like they're unimportant. And believe me folks, that's how I felt this patient was to them. As if this mentally ill person was rubbish compared to the mentally healthy, *assuming*, people were that came in AFTER we'd gotten there. And it's not just this patient that gets treated this way. Any time a patient from my hospital has to go to the ER they are left waiting for HOURS on end. We're, speaking for the insitution, like the bastard children that no one ever wanted and never want to see again...so I feel as if we're provided with the minimum of care required when we take patients to outside facilities.
THIS IS FUCKING WRONG PEOPLE! Just because someone is DIFFERENT from regular Joes and Janes DOESN'T give anyone the right to treat them differently. Mentally challenged and Mentally incompasitated individuals are PEOPLE too. So for everyone at the hostpital that my patient and I were at, and this patient currently still is, Wake up you mothereffin WHORES down at the ER and do your DAMN JOB.
Part Two
A new patient was admited to the unit I work on, normal everyday thing really, that is MI/MR. This paritcular patient is VIOLENT, strong, and a complete and total ASSHOLE. They know what they're doing and actively choose to act out and hit people because they don't get their way. Some people look at this patient and thing they can't help themself, well in a way that is true, but this particular individual KNOWS that what they're doing. You can TELL that they know that they're not supposed to hit people when they're SMACKING THEM AROUND. Gawds, this patient will ask for help and really need the help but once you get near them to help them with what they need they start yelling, screaming, and WAILING on you.
Everyone on my unit is a victim to this patient and several of us, myself included, has had to go to the ER after an attack or several. In my case, several. I've been to the ER twice because of this patient. The first time because I was smacked around over forty times on my arms, chest, and face. My shoulders ache like hell, my neck just throbs, my right eye is bruised and hurts, and chest has a lovely fat bruise on it. NOT HAPPY. The second time I was attacked I was actually going to this patient's aid when they really needed it and was attacked when I got close. This happened several times and you may be thinking that I should have stopped trying to help after awhile...but this is my job. I help others when they can't, or won't, help themselves. You get hurt, alot, in this line of work whether you're good or bad at it. It just happens. Now I'm sporting a wrist brace, bruises, and additional pain meds. Go me....AND, I don't have another day off until Monday night. Weee for the WEEKEND. *flat look*
So...how's your life? =3