Just got back from my belated birthday celebration with Jen and Amy. Wheee!
Spent the afternoon with my mom, who was in a great mood and has been for the last few times I've stopped by. She is joining in to so much more stuff at the nursing home. There was the "Elvis Love Pub" last week, in which she got kissed by the Elvis impersonator, and then the "Giant Snake-a-Rama", which okay, that's not really what it was called, but Mom had a 23 foot anaconda wrapped around her for a photo shoot, and held a scorpion and a tarantula. She is fearless, GAH. Today she went to a daycare recital in the morning, and when I got there this afternnoon she was playing Bingo. And one of the residents at our table won a bag of chips, and gave it to my mom. *humming "Love is in the air..."*
Jen picked me up at mom's, and I get in her car to see the dashboard animals - Brian (stuffed pig) and Justin (stuffed cat)- holding a sign that says "Happy Belated Birthday Vicki, Love Brian and Justin" and decorated with little hearts. You can see why I am such good friends with Jen. She is clearly as insane as I am. :)
We picked up Amy and off we went to the Mandarin, a huge chinese buffet restaurant, where we completely pigged out. I am soooo stuffed right now. And I had a strawberry daiquiri. I could live off those things, I really could. Then off to the mall, where at first I didn't think they had Oz Season Four and I was bummed, but then Amy and her eagle eye spotted it and YAY I NOW OWN OZ SEASON FOUR. And I would just like to point out my great restraint, in that I am not watching it right now but am instead doing other stuff. But it is totally calling me OMG. And there are SIXTEEN episodes in Season Four!!! *doing a little jig*
Then we came back to my place, and I got to open my presents. And I got Heineken LOL (I am not an alcoholic, really!) and two Ikea gift cards -- now I have to figure out exactly what to buy next. OMG THE DILEMMA. And I also got "Resident Evil" on DVD. *is scared* I honestly don't know if I'll be able to watch it in its entirety by myself the first time. I might have to split it into pieces... stop halfway and resume later. That's what I always had to do with the original "Dawn of the Dead", coz that thing just freaked me out too much, even with knowing what was going to happen! Also, am making mental note that I am not allowed to be holding cheesecake of any kind while watching this movie. Hee.
I love my friends so much. :)
And it is also Fanfic Authors Appreciation Week. What a wonderful idea. I am actually going to skip the usual suspect (Liz, of course!) because it's pretty darned obvious to anybody who reads my journal that I adore the brilliance that is Liz-fic.
So, the writer(s) that I would like to laud today are Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen, who together wrote the ridiculously perfect
Maps and Legends. If there is a better Brian/Justin road trip fic out there, I sure haven't found it. Their characterizations of Brian and Justin are both spot-on... I defy anyone to tell me they can't *hear* Gale and Randy delivering these lines. The chapter with the boys in the desert, high on peyote, with Justin suddenly certain that he can communicate with a snake using the power of his mind, and Brian talking about Justin's "fire soul"... that whole thing made me sputter with laughter. Yet they can easily turn it around and make you well up with tears, and the writing seems effortless, which is of course what makes it so brilliant.
On her own, Rachel wrote
The Method Series, a funny yet somehow weirdly realistic Gale/Randy RPS which alas only has two chapters. - site no longer online. There sooo needs to be more!
Thank you, Rachel and Laura, for sharing your writing. :)