She's a robot
plushie love
Garrakun's so cute!
I was totally digging these two, L and Light Yagami of Deathnote. I wanted to play with their chain. I had to so restrain myself.
A moment to recharge!
A promotional for a new anime, that totally slips my mind at this post. The voice actors were so cool, I met them later at the end of my stay that day.
Deceptacon's rock!
Then I transformed into a neko. It wasn't as painful, since husband O helped.
Oh, but then there were another final tweaking for my colors, it started to get painful.
I grew more frustrated.
Then I got glomped! by some nekophile!. Fan service with a smile.
Then we decided in the neko form it was best that I wear a mask in case some of the other more pushy nekophiles tried to steal a kiss.
Then I was off to admire the hakima and gi wearing Baddies of Bleach. Former Captain Aisen will always occupy a special place in my heart for pretty boy traitors.
Lolitas! Need I say more.
Magical girls sleeping with other attendies.
My final form before the Yaoi Yuri panel discussion.
Modeling an advert? Hahaha. It was a fun 10 hours.